Page:Preparation sermon, before receiving the Holy sacrament.pdf/3

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1. As the the first, negatively, I. The want of perfect purity and spotleſs or untained holiness does not make a perſon an unworthy communicant if theſe imperfections be regreted and mourned over: for what mortal can ſay that he has cleanſed his heart, and that he is pure from ſin? Prov. 20.7. Neither, (illegible text) does the want of great knowledge Tho' a man underſtand not the nice debates and abſtruſe scholastic diſputes in divinity yet, if he know the foundational principles of religion, he may be a worthy communicant. Nor, 3. doth some measure of weakneſs of faith, attended with many doubts and fears, render one an unworthy communicant: for Chriſt ſays to his disciples, O ye of little faith, yet doth he not reject them; and he received that man, Mark 9 22. who had but a very weak weavering faith, and ſoon after cried out with tears, I believe, Lord, help my unbelief Nor yet, 4. doth the want of ſensible joy or comfort in or after communicating under a perſon from being a worthy partaker: for there may be a lively acting of the graces, while yet there is the great ſenfe of God's favour.

But, poſitively unworthy communicating at Chriſt's table, is, I When a perſon communicates more for cuſtom than for conſcience ſake; when men come to the table of the land because it is the faſhion of the country where they live becauſe all their neighbours do ſo, and they must go along with them for company's ſake and that it would not be lucky for them if they got not their ſacrament with their neighbours; but ſtill have no ſenſe upon their ſpirits of Chriſt's command nor of the deſigns, the uſefulneſs and comfort of this ſacrament. Let us tremble and confider their hazard

4. When a perſon conmmunicates without understanding his neceſſity of Chriſt, and the nature and ends of this ordinance; when a peſson knows not the need of a Redeemer to recoyer him out of his