Page:Preparation sermon, before receiving the Holy sacrament.pdf/9

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as ſerious and ſolemn a frame as if thou wert going to lay down thy life. Call in all your affections, unite all your thoughts, contract all the beam of your ſoul, and let them be ſet on the object before you. Cry mightily to heaven this night, "Lord, pity my worldly heart O banish away the devil, who will be ready to caſt in vain thoughts, and let me think only on a dying Lord."

11. It is to communicate without any thankfulneſs of heart, or wondering at redeeming love. If we would communicate worthily, our hearts ſhould aſcend, like Manoah's angel, in the ſmoke of thankſgiving and elevation of fpirit Judg. 19 20 we ſhould have the high praiſes of God in our mouths, and be inviting the angels and all creation to aſſiſt in praiſing him. We ſhould bleſs God for feeding his Son, and Chriſt for his dying love, in drinking up that bitter cup that we thould have drunk forever. O ſinner, canſt thou not get a thankful admiring heart? Travel then into the mount of Olives where Chriſt prayed and wept. Enter into the garden, where he groaned and ſtruggled in an agony: see how humbly he went bearing his croſs; and will not your affections warm?

12. It is to eat and drink without ſpiritual hunger and thirſt. You cannot partake of this feaſt without an appetite. It will be a ſhame to you to come to this full feaſt, and leave your ſtomachs at home. The hearts of many are glutted with the world; and the full ſoul lothes the honey comb. It is only the hungry and thirſty ſoul that Chriſt will make welcome. When the earth is ſore parched with drought, it greedily ſucks in the rain; ſo will you very eagerly embrace the mercies offered in this sacrament, if you ſuitably diſpoſed. Can ye ſit down at a communion table, and have no hunger for the bread of life, no panting for pardon of sin and for a sight of Chriſt's face? Will ye not be say-