Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/117

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To cause; to send; to effect; to use.
sái kàu.
To cause that; to bring to pass.
sái i-khṳ̀.
Send him to go, i.e. send him.
sái ēng.
Suitable to make use of.
khṳt-nâng sái ēng.
Be by people used, i.e. be used by people.
sĩ i-só sái kâi.
That which he caused; or sent.
sĩ thiⁿ só sái kâi.
That which heaven caused to come about.
àiⁿ sái bô-ēng.
Wish to use it but it is of no use.
chí-kâi-ngṳ̂n oh sái.
This silver is hard to pass.
chí-kâi-ngṳ̂n sái m̄-khṳ̀.
This silver won’t pass.
sái chiũ-liáu.
Caused; effected; brought to pass.
bô-chîⁿ hó sái.
No money to spend.
chîⁿ sái būe-liáu m̄-khéng khṳ̀ chò khang-khùe.
His money not being all spent, he is not willing to go and work.
i m̄-káⁿ-khṳ̀ uan-in bô-chîⁿ hó sái.
He dare not go because he has no money that he may spend.
a-sĩ chîⁿ hó sái i chiũ-káⁿ.
If he has money that he may spend he then will dare to.
chí-kâi-ngṳ̂n hó sái a m̄-hó?
This money, will it pass or not?

If the learner finds this method of treating words advantageous, he can extend it to auxiliaries and particles such as, chiũ, then; thereupon; tie̍h, accomplished; effected; hó, good; well; may, and any others.