Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/123

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LESSON XXXIII (Continued).
lâi àiⁿ-chò-nî? contracted to lâi-chò-nî, what did you come for?
lâi àiⁿ chò nî? contracted to lâi chò , what do you want?
chò-nî m̄-chièⁿ-seⁿ? contracted to hô-m̄ chièⁿ-seⁿ, what not so?
kiè sī-mih-sṳ̄? contracted to kiè sīm-sṳ̄, what did you call (me)?
kiè mih sṳ̄ contracted to kiè sīm sṳ̄, what are you calling out for?
chièⁿ-seⁿ chò-nî m̄-tùi? contracted to chò-m̄-tùi, why is it not correct?
chò-nî bōi-tit? contracted to chò-bōi, why can you not?
chièⁿ-seⁿ chò hó mē? contracted to chièⁿ chò, hó-m̄, that way of doing it, is it well?
hṳ́-kâi sî-hāu, contracted to hṳ́-sî, that time.
hṳ́-kâi ji̍t-chí, contracted to hṳ́-ji̍t, that day.
àn-chièⁿ-seⁿ, contracted to chièⁿ-seⁿ, according to that.
tàⁿ-sī mih-ūe? contracted to tàⁿ-mih-ūe, what are you saying?
chò-nîⁿ-hó? contracted to chò-hó, why is it good? Why so?
chí kâi sĩ-sĩ mih-mue̍h? contracted to chiá sīm-mue̍h, what thing is this?
chò-nî õi-tit? contracted to chãi-tit, how can it be?
chò-nî seⁿ-iēⁿ? contracted to chãi-seⁿ, what manner or fashion?
chí-chièⁿ-nâng, contracted to chièⁿ-nâng, these men.
hṳ́-hièⁿ-nâng, contracted to hièⁿ-nâng, those men.
chha-m̄-to, contracted to chham-to, differing not much.
tóu khùn-chãi, contracted to khùn-chãi, very hungry.
chhông-kóu chì-kàu taⁿ lâi, contracted to chhông-lâi, from of old down to the present.
lṳ́ chò-nî-tàⁿ? contracted to chò-nî-tàⁿ, what do you say?
chò-n tàⁿ,
lṳ́ tõ chò-mih-sṳ̄? contracted to chò-sṳ̄, what are you doing?
lṳ́ àiⁿ-khṳ̀ tî-kò? contracted to àiⁿ-tî-ò, where are you going?
lṳ́ tiâng-sî-lâi? contracted to lṳ́ tiâng-lâi, when did you come?
sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng sêng--liáu, contracted to sṳ̄ sêng--liáu, the matter is accomplished already.
chiẽⁿ-Hú khòng-kò, contracted to Hú khòng, went up to the Hu city to bring a suit.
lo̍h-Séⁿ khòng-kò, contracted to Séⁿ khòng, gone down to Canton to bring a suit.
chiũ, contracted to chū, then; thereupon.
chiang, contracted to chang, to take; make use of.