Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/132

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
i kâi-ūe ũ-chhim-ì--lōu!
his words have a profound meaning– surely!
i tàⁿ-lâi chhién-pe̍h chhién-pe̍h,
he speaks clearly and plainly.
uá tàⁿ phûe-phûe tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ,
I am speaking only on the surface of the subject.
tãi-chóng-chóng tàⁿ,
to summarize.
to state in a general way.
state it briefly will do.
to state the gist of anything, or, the leading thoughts,
uá tàⁿ-lṳ́-thiaⁿ,
I speak and you hear me.
tàⁿ-ūe bô-liâm-chia̍p,
his words have no connection.
tàⁿ-lâi ũ-tõ-lí,
there is reason in what you say.
tàⁿ-khui tàⁿ-bûa,
he talks off and on, i.e. evasive.
lṳ́ tùe-i kâi-ūe-búe tàⁿ,
you follow on at the end of his talk; you side with him.
tàⁿ só-íⁿ-jiên khṳt-lṳ́-chai,
I will state the rationale of the case for your information.
uá tàⁿ-chhêng-iû khṳt-lṳ̀ phah-sǹg,
I will state the facts for you to decide.
bô-ūe kāng-i tàⁿ,
no words wherewith to speak with him.
lú-tũn-nâng tàⁿ,
fool’s talk; a stupid remark.
chhiáⁿ-tiām khṳt-uá-tàⁿ,
please be silent and allow me to say a word.
lṳ́ chièⁿ-seⁿ-tàⁿ huân-liáu ka-lô,
in so saying you are still a long way off.
chiàⁿ-tàⁿ, huán-toah-tàⁿ,
direct and inverted style.
tàⁿ-lâi m̄-tòng,
your talk don’t reach the point.
niēⁿ-lṳ́ ka-kī-tàⁿ,
I yield the floor to you, speak for yourself.
hṳ́-che̍k-kù i tie̍h-tàⁿ-tãng,
on that sentence he must lay stress.
a supposition; suppose I should say.
talking at random.
i tàⁿ-ūe tàⁿ-hiah,
when he had done talking.
tàⁿ-i kâi-ūe,
to say his words, i.e. to take his side; to quote from him.
right; reason; principle.
reason; doctrine.
reason; propriety, &c.
a sound principle.
lṳ́ tàⁿ-lâi tie̍h-lí,
in speaking you attain reason, i.e. you have spoken rightly.