Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/134

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LESSON XXXVI. (continued).
che̍k-kù õi-pau-kuat lóng-chóng,
one expression comprises the whole.
só-àm-pau kâi-ì-sṳ̀,
an idedidea implied in it.
bô-só put-pau,
nothing that it does not comprehend.
àm chí-tie̍h,
an implied reference to.
to proclaim doctrine.
piẽn-lũn tõ-lí,
discussing doctrine.
piẽn-kàu i bô-ìn-tap,
argued till he could not reply.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng piẽn-mêng-pe̍h--liáu,
this method has already been shown clearly.
piẽn-tit mêng-pe̍h,
to argue clearly; attain clearness.
piáu-mêng tõ-lí,
to lay down a principle; set forth a doctrine,
to deliberate; consult; discourse about.
hó-lâi ngí-lũn chí-kâi-sṳ̄,
let us come and consult about this matter.
jī-ke siang-lũn,
talking together about something.
piẽn-lũn kàu-nâng hâng-ho̍k,
argue till people submit.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ khó-sìn,
this matter is credible.
chiá-sṳ̄ sìn-m̄-kùe,
this cannot be believed.
can be credited.
siang-sìn-i m̄-kùe,
cannot believe him.
siang-sìn sĩ-tò-chí,
believing lies here.
siang-sìn m̄-siang-sìn sĩ-tõ tî-kò?
wherein lies the believing or the not believing?
si̍t-chãi ũ-iáⁿ,
truly it is so; truly, there is some ground (shadow) for it.
m̄-chai ũ-iáⁿ a-bô,
do not know whether there is any ground for it or not.
common report; rumor.
kṳ̃-nâng só-tàⁿ,
according to what people say.
chèng-nâng kâi-ì,
the idea of all; common opinion.
nâng-nâng chièⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ,
every body says so.
to contradict; argue adversely; to object.
to ask a controverting question.
poh-i tàⁿ,
criticized him saying,—
piẽn-poh tàⁿ,
objected saying,—
ho̍k-ũ-nâng poh-mn̄g,
perhaps somebody will raise an objection.
piẽn-poh chha-niũ kâi-ūe,
specious or fallacious reasoning.