Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/14

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Bue, prolonged thus — bu-u-e.
Chia, prolonged thus chi-i-a.
Chiu, prolonged thus chi-i-u.
Chiang, prolonged thus chi-i-ang.
Chhim, prolonged thus chhi-i-m.
Ge, prolonged thus ge-e-e.
Goi, prolonged thus go-o-i.
Hiam, prolonged thus hi-i-am.
Hong, prolonged thus ho-o-ng,.
Hueⁿ, prolonged thus hu-u-eⁿ.
Huiⁿ, prolonged thus hu-u-iⁿ.
Iu, prolonged thus i-i-u.
Iuⁿ, prolonged thus iⁿ-iⁿ-uⁿ.
Kha, prolonged thus kh-a-a.
Kaⁿ, prolonged thus kaⁿ-aⁿ.
Kau, prolonged thus kau-au-au.
Khiong, prolonged thus khi-o-ong.
Kun, prolonged thus ku-u-n.
Liam, prolonged thus li-i-a-m.
Ngio, prolonged thus ngi-i-o.
Variations in Pronunciation.

In the Tie-chiu dialect numerous variations are found to exist in pronunciation. Many of these are local and cannot be mentioned in detail. One class, however, prevails so extensively as to demand attention. The dialect as spoken at the Hu city and Thêng-hái is considered the more correct, and teachers from those regions are to be sought for and preferred. But in the large District across the Bay from Swatow known as Tiê-iêⁿ, or Tiô-iôⁿ as spoken by the people themselves, the divergencies of pronunciation are so marked that sometimes the first half dozen words used by a speaker will indicate to which side of the Bay he belongs.

Some of these variations are as follows :—

e is changed into au.

biē, a temple,
is spoken as if it were biāu.
kiē, a sedan chair,
spoken as if it were kiāu.
chie, to beckon,
spoken as if it were chiau.
chhiêⁿ, a wall,
spoken as if it were chhiâuⁿ.
hieⁿ, a village,
spoken as if it were hiauⁿ.