Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/141

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
ūe-thâu ūe-búe,
introduction and conclusion; initial words and final words.
kiah-phùa i lân-ló,
to suggest to him « little ; give a hint.
thok-chhéⁿ i,
to arouse him. .
bô-chn̂g-kâi kâi i-tàⁿ,
did not tell him the whole of it.
tńg che̍k-pit,
to amplify a little; advance a step.
an unexpected coincidence.
ha̍h sī-mih ēng?
what use can be made of this?
chí sī chiap-chiēⁿ a-sī chiap-ẽ?
does it connect with what precedes or with what follows?
so̍k tõ-chiēⁿ a-sĩ so̍k-tõ-ẽ,
does it belong to what goes before or to what follows?
chiēⁿ-ẽ kùan-chhùan,
the passages above and below are mutually connected.
Iak-hân sĩ sùa-tie̍h huap-lu̍t a-sĩ sùa-tie̍h hok-im?
does John connect with the law or with the Gospel.
liên tõ chiēⁿ-kù iā liên ẽ-kù,
it is connected with what precedes and also with what follows.
i kâi sêng-chiēⁿ khí-ẽ,
its context.
hûan-iáu ũ-huap khó-íⁿ chheng-ngĩ,
there remains yet a way whereby one may be justified.
khǹg-kòi i hó-àiⁿ,
persuade him to it.
khǹg-kòi i hó-màiⁿ,
dissuade him from it.
tie̍h chãm-tàⁿ,
divide it up into sections.
hó-pun a,
divide into branches.
don’t fully apprehend things.
chiá sĩ-úa só-liāu m̄-kàu,
this is something I did not reckon on.
kùe i só-siẽⁿ,
beyond what he thought.
chí-kâi tõ-lí úa hán-ēng,
this precept is of limited use.
it suits my purpose.
chí-tie̍h sĩ o̍ih,
of limited application.
chí-tie̍h sĩ-khùaⁿ,
of broad application.
chang-chúi tàⁿ chò-nâng,
to personify water as man.
chang-nâng tàⁿ chò-chúi,
to speak of man as water.
thòi-nâng siet-mn̄g,
to suppose a question put by another.
lâi sím-si̍t,
judge what is truth.
lâi-sím sĩ-hui,
discriminate between the true and false.
chang chí pêng-kṳ̃ lâi sím-chhat,
take this evidence and sift it.
tiâu-sùaⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂ kek-kiù kek-kiù,
a tangled thread all mixed up