Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/143

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
ìn-tap mêng-pe̍h,
answer clearly.
hó ìn-tap,
a good reply.
ìn-tap khùe-chãi,
prompt at a reply.
ìn-tap õi kùe-nâng,
surpassing others in repartee.
ìn-tap tùi-tùi,
you have answered exactly.
é-kháu bô-ngân,
mouth stopped, not a word to say.
hûe-thâu siẽⁿ-tńg,
to reflect.
pêⁿ-ke ũ chhêng-lí,
reason on both sides.
dare not reply.
i bô-ìn,
he made no answer.
the literati.
tōa ha̍k-bûn kâi-nâng,
a man of great learning.
full of learning.
not applicable
of general use.
chhūe-pāng chhūe-khiah,
to hunt for a pretext.
būan-put-khó ûi,
never let it be.
sat i-kâi-chhùi,
stop his mouth.
to open a book.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ hó-pàng che̍k-pôiⁿ siap-sî,
will lay this topic aside for a moment.
bõi-khṳt nín nge̍k--tie̍h,
you will not be allowed to oppose.
iû chṳ chhui-lũn chhut-lâi,
inferred from a book statement.
m̄-chai siẽⁿ i-kâi-ì sĩ hó-ì, a-sĩ ak-ì,
you do not consider whether his motive is a good one or a bad one.
chí-chiẽⁿ só-tàⁿ che̍k-kù kâi ì-sṳ̀ sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
the idea of the above sentence is this,
thread of a discourse.
bûn-sì tàⁿ būe-uân seⁿ ũ chhut-lâi,
before the thread of his discourse was finished, there issued, &c.
lũn chí-kâi-sṳ̄ sĩ chûn chhiet-iàu a-sĩ nâng chhiet-iàu,
as regards this matter, is the boat of more importance or is the man.
taⁿ, chí-che̍k-ngân,
now, this word (just quoted).
taⁿ, chí-kâi khiam-sùn,
now, this subject of humility.
i ũ, chiang i kâi-ũ lâi-tàⁿ,
if he has, then speak according to what he has.
ũ bô, chiang i kâi-bô lâi-tàⁿ,
if he has not then speak according to what he has not.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ kan-gāi--tie̍h,
this matter interferes.
chí sĩ chèng-nâng tàⁿ--kâi,
this is what every body says.