Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/172

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Tiak, to rap with a knocker.

Tiam, an anvil; a chopping block. tiâm, sweet. tiám, a spot. tiàm to hide; a shop. tiām, silent; quiet.

Tia̍p, a card; a butterfly.

Tiau, to engrave; to wither. tiâu, a stripe; a perch. tiàu, to suspend. tiãu, to summon; an omen. tiāu, to toss; to cast away.

Tiê, the tides. tiẽ. to shudder; to rebound.

Tieⁿ to pretend. tiêⁿ, a level space. tiéⁿ, a chosen head. tièⁿ, to fish with a hook; to open, as the eyes; a curtain; account.

Tie̍h, an emphatic particle.

Tien, to stumble; upset. tiẽn, lightning.

Tie̍t, the child of a brother.

Tih, a drop. ti̍h, a small plate.

Tim, to warm up food. tîm, to sink.

Tin, to invert; to jingle. tîn, creeping plants; dust. tìn, the centre. tĩn, a rank of soldiers.

Tit, to attain. ti̍t, straight.

Tiu, fo cast away tiû, tally sticks; thin, soft silk.

tiũ, a species of hemp; growing rice.

Tn̂g, long; the intestines; a hall. tńg, to return; times. tǹg, to pawn; a meal. tñg, to sunder; ten feet. tn̄g, to meet.

To, a knife. tô, to flee. tó, short; to fall over. tò, to pour out; the left side. tõ, to be present, or doing. tō, a pocket; a generation.

Tòa, a girdle. tõa, a rudder. tōa, large.

Toaⁿ, only, or alone. tôaⁿ, an altar; to thrum. tõaⁿ, indolent. tōaⁿ, to cut in stone.

Toah, to scold.

Toh, a table; to peek, as birds. to̍h, to choose; to take fire, or blaze.

Toi, a dike. tôi, to subscribe; a hoof. tói, the base, or bottom; inside.

Tóiⁿ, to mortgage. tõiⁿ, a threshold; with numbers, forms the ordinal. tōiⁿ, indigo; hard, or dense.

Toih, narrow, or contracted.

Tok, to chop off; an overseer. to̍k, to drive out; lone; to profane.

Tong, the middle; faithful. tóng, to understand clearly.