Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/18

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linguals made by a thrust of the tongue, as in tek, tat, tak.
gutterals, as in, hok, ek, ok.
tones made by shutting the mouth, as, m̄, kim, sim.
this tone.
chhiáⁿ-tàⁿ-mān se-su,
please speak more slowly a little.
lṳ́ sĩ tàⁿ-khah-mé,
uá thiaⁿ-m̄-hīn, you speak too fast, I do not hear clearly.
chí-kâi-im tùi a-m̄-tùi?
is this tone right or not?
chhiáⁿ-tàⁿ-tãng se-su,
please speak it a little more heavily.
chhiá-tàⁿ-khin se-su,
please speak it a little more lightly.
chí-kâi-jī sĩ-mih-im?
what is the tone of this word?
chí-kâi-im sĩ-iâm a-sĩ-iám?
is the tone of this word iâm or iám?
im—hó-khan-tn̂g se-su,
the tone—draw it out a little.
chhiá-hó tha̍k-chò thóu-im,
please read in colloquial tone.