Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/4

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In making translations of the Chinese sentences a uniform rule has not been adhered to. In some cases literal renderings are given. In others when the Chinese construction is readily apprehended, ordinary idiomatic English equivalents are preferred. To have given both literal and idiomatic English equivalents to the same Chinese sentence would have taken too much space.

The lists of Chinese equivalents for English Prepositions, Adverbs, and Interjections are meagre, but the pupil can largely add to the number by looking under the proper words in Mr. Duffus’, Vocabulary.

It is to be regretted that so many errata are to be found. In addition to those that follow are some minor ones, some of which could not be avoided. Thus, under “Interjections” there is a deficiency of exclamation points, owing to incompleteness in the font. Some others are found in connection with the use of capitals, and hyphen and punctuation marks. Lesson XX does not appear under its own proper designation. Through some oversight, it was incorporated in Lesson XIX. Blemishes of this kind may be pardoned when it is stated that, owing to absences in the country of proof readers, the final proof, in a few instances, was not seen at all before the sheets were struck off; and, that the two young Chinese compositors who set up the type do not know a word of English. They follow copy without knowing what it means. That they do their work so creditably is owing to the pains taken to train them by Mr. Duffus and Mr. Gibson.

Page 2 line 21 for characters read characters.
Page 2 line 41 for but read But.
Page 7 line 4&5 for hùe read húe.
Page 7 line 7 for that. read this.
Page 9 line 22 for hùaⁿ read hàuⁿ.
Page 10 line 11,12,13,32,34,&35 for read tî.
Page 16 line 26 for read Gôu.
Page 17 line 18 for read hô.
Page 17 line 27 for ngn̂ read ngṳ̂n.
Page 20 line 39 for read kò.
Page 21 line 26 for khṳ́ read khṳ̀.
Page 24 line 21 omit have.
Page 41 line 33 for sin read sim.
Page 42 line 11 for thâng read thàng.
Page 46 line 4 for pigs and dogs read thieves.
Page 59 line 15 omit or.
Page 59 line 20 for nâng read mn̂g.