Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/42

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Place, Direction, &c.

chí-kâi hieⁿ-lí seⁿ tõ-tî-kò?
where is this village situated?
chí-kâi hieⁿ-lí seⁿ-tõ khoi-hièⁿ-pôiⁿ,
the village is situated on the other side of the river.
i khiã-khí tõ tang-mn̂g,
he lives at the East gate.
hái-piⁿ; hái-kak; hái-phiâⁿ,
the seashore; the coast; the beach.
separated from each other.
keh ũ-tiâu-khoi,
separated by a river.
keh ũ-tiâu suaⁿ-lêng,
separated by a mountain ridge.
keh ũ-tî,
separated by a pool.
keh bô-ūa-hñg,
separated not far.
lî bô-ũa-hñg; lî-khui bô-ũa-hñg,
not far away.
hiàng-lâm khṳ̀,
go towards the south.
nià-pak khṳ̀,
go towards the north.
u̍t tõ-pak khṳ̀,
turn towards the north.
nià tî-kò khṳ̀?
which way shall I go?
lṳ́ kâi-chûn-thâu nià-m̄-tie̍h,
the head of your boat is directed wrong.
lî-chí-kò ũ-saⁿ-ji̍t lōu-thâu,
distant from here three days’ journey.
lî-chí-kò ũ cha̍p-phòu-lōu,
distant from here ten leagues fo road.
lî-chí-kò chiàⁿ-kàu nõ-lí-lōu,
distant from here barely up to two li only.
màiⁿ u̍t-lâi, u̍t-khṳ̀,
don’t turn to and fro.
hièⁿ-tùi tî-kò-khṳ̀?
towards which way has he gone?
m̄-chai ũ jie̍h-hñg--bô,
I don’t know whether it is far or not.
bô-jie̍h-hñg; bô-ũa-hñg,
not very far.
hñg--ā! bô-jie̍h-hñg, far!
it is not very far.
hñg-pùaⁿ ji̍t lōu-thâu,
it is distant half a day’s journey.
distant a thousand li.
distant ten-thousand li.
hñg kàu-bô-ke̍k,
distant beyond limit.
chí--tiâu hñg kúi-hua̍h,
byu this road distant a few steps.
O, it’s too far.
mê-hng khá õi-tit-kàu, mē?
Can I get there by evening?
afraid you can’t.
àiⁿ peh-khí suaⁿ-téng, che̍k-tiám-cheng õi-tit-kàu, mē?
I want to climb the mountain, in an hour can I reach (the top)?
chò-hièⁿ-kōi, ā!
how so easy as that!
àiⁿ-kàu a-būe? ka-lô,
are we about to reach there? Far from it.