Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/75

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chang-chie̍h ka̍k-sí--i,
killed him with a stone.
ēng-ngṳ̂n bói--kâi,
some thing bought with money.
ēng-khî-khá kâi-ūe phièn--i,
with crafty words beguiled him.
ēng-tōa-siaⁿ hàm--i,
with a loud voice called him.
ēng-tek-ko phah-chûa,
with a bamboo stick he beat (killed) a snake.
ēng-jī tièⁿ-hṳ̂,
with bait caught fish.
íⁿ-to thâi-nâng,
with a knife he killed him.
íⁿ-kòi-mông lia̍h--i,
by means of, or, with a trick he caught him.
íⁿ-lu̍t-huap phōiⁿ--i,
he made use of the law to punish him.
íⁿ chí-kâi-sṳ̄ tōu-seⁿ,
by means of this he gets a living.
in the heart.
i tõ-hṳ́-lãi,
he is in there.
chûn-tõ kang-lãi,
the boat is in the channel.
kāng-i chò-pû kiâⁿ-lōu,
walking the road with him.
kāng-i chham-siâng,
consult with him.
kāng-i chò-pû-chia̍h,
eat with him.
chhap-i uáng-lâi,
come and go with him.
chhap-i chhut-mn̂g,
went out doors with him.
khṳt-i lêng-jo̍k,
disgraced by him.
kai-i chhēng-saⁿ,
put on his clothes for him.
iû-pak-thâu lâi,
come from the north.
chhông-lâm-pôiⁿ lâi,
comes from the south.
Questions involving agency.
ēng sĩ-mih-mue̍h khṳ̀-chò?
what did he use to do it with?
hó-ēng sĩ-mih khṳ̀-chò?
what may he use to go and do it with?
ēng sĩ-mih-nâng kâi-pńg-chîⁿ?
he used what man's capital?
khùa sĩ-mih-nâng kâi-sì-la̍t?
he trusted in what man’s influence?
oi-lâng sĩ-ēng-gû a-sĩ ēng-nâng?
in grinding did he use cattle or men?
chiang sĩ-mih-huap?
what method did he make use of ?
ēng chò-nî-iēⁿ kâi-khì-kũ?
what kind of implements did he use?
iû-tî-kò chhut--lâi?
from where did it come?
àiⁿ-chò--i, chiang-tî-kâi khṳ̀-chò?
if I want to do it, what shall I take to go and do it with?