Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/96

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i ìn pêng-kṳ̃ chhut--lâi,
he brought forth testimony.
pêng-kṳ̃—i ìn chhut--lâi,
testimony—he brought forth.
tang-mn̂g chhut ũ nâng-bé chōi-chōi,
from the east gate issued men in great numbers.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ chò-sêng sĩ-tõ Siãng-hái,
this matter was done in Shanghai.
uá bô-thàn hó-hôiⁿ--i,
I have not the wherewithal to pay him.
chí-kâi sĩ pí-jũ iā-sĩ si̍t-sṳ̄,
this is a parable and it is also a matter of fact.


Equivalents for such conditional words as if, if so, though, lest, perhaps, perchance, it may be that, dc.

jia̍k; jû-jia̍k; tháng-jia̍k,
if it is so.
a-sĩ; jia̍k-a-sĩ,
if really so; if that’s the way it is.
perhaps; it may be.
kiá-jû; kóu-jû,
perhaps; perchance.
it being so; if it be so.
if now then, that is the case.
si̍t-chãi a-sĩ,
if truly it is so.
siet-sái; siet-jia̍k,
supposing that.
if, for example.

These words are placed at or near the beginning of a sentence, or just before the verb, to impart a Subjunctive sense. They are used sometimes one alone, and sometimes two or three together, to give different shades of meaning and different degrees of force.

a-sĩ m̄-tõ, lṳ́ hó-tńg--lâi,
he is not there, you may come back.
i jia̍k-sĩ-lâi, lṳ́ hó kāng-i tàⁿ,
if he comes, do you tell it to him.
lṳ́, chu-jû ũ-ngṳ̂n, chiũ-hó-bói,
you, if you have money, then you may buy.
jia̍k-a-sĩ i m̄-hàuⁿ, chiũ-hiah,
if he does not want to, then that’s the end of it.
siet-jia̍k hó-chò, chiũ-chò,
if the thing can be done, then do it, or, let it be done.
siet-sái-i tàⁿ chí-kâi-ūe, lṳ́ hó chièⁿ-seⁿ ìn-tap--i,
supposing that he says these words, then do you thus and so answer him.
pa-lak i thiaⁿ-lṳ́ khǹg-kòi chiũ-hó,
if, perchance, he listens to your advice, then well.