Page:Pro Patria, Florence Earle Coates, 1917.djvu/9

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If they tell you that we hold
Right and wrong are much the same:
That with equal share of blame
The defender of the fold
And the ravening wolf we name—
Don't believe it!

If they tell you that we think,
When the robber comes by night
And we see 'neath murderous Might
Innocence unfriended sink,
We should be "too proud to fight"—
Don't believe it!

If they tell you we are cold
When strong men, and maids as brave,
May not life from bondage save—
We who gave unstinted gold,
And our heart's blood, for the slave!—
Don't believe it!

If—O gallant souls and true!—
If they tell you we judge well
Ways of Heaven and ways of Hell:
That the honor dear to you
Also in our souls doth dwell—
Oh, believe it!

If they tell you our heart's cry:
That, whate'er the danger near,
One, one only loss we fear;
And are ready, too, to—die
For the things that you hold dear—
Oh, believe it!