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48° GEORGII III. Cap.149.
    £ s. d.

BILL of LADING of or for any Goods, Merchandize, or Effects to be exported

  0 3 0

BILL of Sale absolute. See Conveyance.


BILL of SALE as a Security. See Mortgage.


BOND in England, and personal Bond in Scotland, given as a Security for the Payment of any definite and certain Sum of Money,


Not exceeding 100l.

  1 0 0

Exceeding 100l. and not exceeding 300l.

  1 10 0

Exceeding 300l. and not exceeding 500l.

  2 0 0

Exceeding 500l. and not exceeding 1,000l.

  3 0 0

Exceeding 1,000l. and not exceeding 2,000l.

  4 0 0

Exceeding 2,000l. and not exceeding 3,000l.

  5 0 0

Exceeding 3,000l. and not exceeding 4,000l.

  6 0 0

Exceeding 4,000l. and not exceeding 5,000l.

  7 0 0

Exceeding 5,000l. and not exceeding 10,000l.

  9 0 0

Exceeding 10,000l. and not exceeding 15,000l.

  12 0 0

Exceeding 15,000l. and not exceeding 20,000l.

  15 0 0

Exceeding 20,000l.

  20 0 0

BOND in England, and personal Bond in Scotland, given as a Security for the Re-payment of any Sum or Sums of Money to be thereafter lent, advanced, or paid, or which may become due upon an Account Current, together with any Sum already advanced or due, or without, as the Case maybe;


Where the total Amount of the Money secured, or to be ultimately recoverable thereupon, shall be uncertain and without any Limit

  20 0 0

And where the Money secured, or to be ultimately recoverable thereupon, shall be limited not to exceed a given Sum

The same Duty as on a Bone for such limited Sum.

BOND in England, and personal Bond in Scotland, given as a Security for the Transfer or Re-transfer of any Share in any of the Government or Parliamentary Stocks or Funds, or in the Stock and Funds of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or of the East India Company, or of the South Sea Company

The same Duty as on a bond for a Sum of Money equal to the Value of the Stock or Fund secured, according to the average Price thereof, on the Day of the Date of the Bond, or on either of the Ten Days preceding.

Heritable BOND in Scotland for any of the Purposes aforesaid.—See Mortgage.


BOND in England, and personal Bond in Scotland, given as a Security for the Payment of any Sum of Money, or for the Transfer or Re-transfer of any Share in any Of the Stocks or Funds before mentioned, which shall be in part secured by a Mortgage or Wadset,or other Instrument herein-after charged with the same Duty as a Mortgage or Wadset bearing even Date with such Bond; or for the Performance of Covenants contained in such Mortgage or other Instrument; or for both those Purposes

  1 0 0

BOND in England, and personal or heritable Bond in Scotland, given as the only or principal Security for the Payment of any Annuity, upon the