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48° GEORGII III. Cap.149.
    £ s. d.

CERTIFICATE to be taken out yearly by every Person, being a Member of one of the Four Inns of Court in England, who, in the Character of Conveyancer, Special Pleader, Draftsman in Equity, or otherwise, shall, for or in expectation of any Fee, Gain, or Reward, draw or prepare any Conveyance of, or Deed or Instrument relating to, any Estate or Property, Real or Personal, or any other Deed or Contract whatever, or any Pleadings or Proceedings in any Court of Law or Equity;


If he shall reside in the City of London or City of Westminster, or within the Limits of the Two-penny Post in England

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And if he shall reside elsewhere

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Serjeants at Law, and Barristers :


Attornies, Solicitors, Proctors, and Notaries Public, and other Persons acting as such by virtue of any Office or Appointment, who shall respectively take out Certificates in those Characters :


Public Officers drawing or preparing Deeds or other Instruments, by virtue of their Offices, and in the course of their official Duty only, and not otherwise.


CERTIFICATE of Admission to Degrees in the Universities.—Testimonial


CERTIFICATE of Marriage, except of any common Seaman, Marine, or Soldier

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CERTIFICATE of any Person's having received the Holy Sacrament

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CERTIFICATE of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize having been duly entered inwards, which shall be entered outwards for Exportation, at the Port of Importation, or be removed from thence to any other Port, for the more convenient Exportation thereof from Great Britain; where such Certificate shall be issued for enabling any Person to obtain a Debenture or Certificate entitling him to receive any Drawback of any Duty or Duties of Customs or any Part thereof

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See also Debenture.


CHARTER of Resignation, or of Confirmation, or of Novodamus, or upon Apprising, or upon a Decreet of Adjudication or Sale, of any Lands or other heritable Subjects in Scotland holden of any Subject Superior

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And where the same shall contain 2,160 Words or upwards, then for every entire Quantity of 1,080 Words contained therein, over and above the first 1,080 Words, a further progressive Duty of

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CHARTER-PARTY, or any Agreement or Contract for the Charter of any Ship or Vessel, or any Memorandum, Letter, or other Writing, between the Captain, Master, or Owner of any Ship or Vessel, and any other Person, for or relating to the Freight or Conveyance of any Money, Goods, or Effects on board of such Ship or Vessel

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And where the same, together with any Schedule, Receipt, or other Matter put or indorsed thereon or annexed thereto,shall contain 2,160 Words or upwards, then for every entire Quantity of 1,080 Words contained therein, over and above the first 1,080 Words, a further progressive Duty of

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