Page:Probate and Legacy Duties Act 1808 (ukpga 18080149 en).pdf/69

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48° GEORGII III. Cap.149.
    £ s. d.

PURCHASE DEED.—See CONVEYANCE on the Sale of Lands, &c.


REAL BURDEN on Lands in Scotland, Deed creating.—See Mortgage, Disposition.


RECEIPT or Discharge given for or upon the Payment of Money,


Amounting to 2l. and not amounting to 10l.

  0 0 2

Amounting to 10l. and not amounting to 20l.

  0 0 4

Amounting to 20l. and not amounting to 50l.

  0 0 8

Amounting to 50l. and not amounting to 100l.

  0 1 0

Amounting to 100l. and not amounting to 200l.

  0 2 0

Amounting to 200l. and not amounting to 500l.

  0 3 0

Amounting to 500l. or upwards

  0 5 0

And where any Sum of Money whatever shall be therein expressed or acknowledged to be received in full of all Demands

  0 5 0

And any Note, Memorandum, or Writing whatsoever given to any Person for or upon the Payment of Money, whereby any Sum of Money, Debt, or Demand, or any Part of any Debt or Demand, therein specified, and amounting to Two Pounds or upwards, shall be expressed or acknowledged to have been paid, settled, balanced, or otherwise discharged or satisfied, or which shall import or signify any such Acknowledgment, and whether the same shall or shall not be signed with the Name of any Person, shall be deemed and taken to be a Receipt for a Sum of Money of equal Amount with the Sum, Debt, or Demand so expressed or acknowledged to have been, paid, settled, balanced, or otherwise discharged or satisfied, within the Intent and Meaning of this Schedule and of the foregoing Act, and shall be charged with a Duty accordingly.


And any Receipt or Discharge, Note, Memorandum, or Writing whatever given to any Person for or upon the Payment of Money, which shall contain, import, or signify any general Acknowledgment of any Debt, Account, Claim, or Demand, Debts, Accounts, Claims, or Demands, whereof the Amount shall not be therein specified, having been paid, settled, balanced, or otherwise discharged or satisfied, or whereby any Sum of Money therein mentioned shall be acknowledged to be received in full or in discharge or satisfaction of any such Debt, Account, Claim, or Demand, Debts, Accounts, Claims, or Demands, and whether the same shall or shall not be signed with the Name of any Person, shall be deemed and taken to be a Receipt for the Sum of 500l. or upwards, within the Intent and Meaning of this Schedule and of the foregoing Act, and shall be charged with the Duty of Five Shillings accordingly.


And all Receipts, Discharges, and Acknowledgments of the Description aforesaid which shall be given for or upon Payments made by or with any Bills of Exchange, Drafts, Promissory Notes, or other Securities for Money, shall be deemed and taken to be Receipts given upon the Payment of Money within the Intent and Meaning of this Schedule and of the foregoing Act.