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48° GEORGII III. Cap.149.


Containing the Duties on LAW PROCEEDINGS.

Which Duties are to be paid and payable for and in respect of every Skin, Sheet, or Piece of Vellum, Parchment, or Paper upon which the several Instruments, Matters, and Things herein charged shall be respectively written or printed, except where the Duties are imposed according to the Number of Words therein contained, or are expressly charged in any other Manner.

And all the Instruments, Matters, and Things herein charged with a Duty in respect of every Skin, Sheet, or Piece of Vellum, Parchment, or Paper upon which the same shall be written or printed, shall respectively be written or printed upon Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, and in such and the same Manner and Form as the like Instruments, Matters, or Things have been heretofore accustomed to be, or are now usually written or printed.

And where a Court of Law or Equity is mentioned generally, the same shall be taken to mean, not only the Courts at Westminster, but also the several Courts of Law or Equity of the Great Sessions in Wales, and in the Counties Palatine of Chester, Lancaster, and Durham, or elsewhere in England.

    £ s. d.

I.PROCEEDINGS in the High Courtof Admiralty; and in the Courts of the Cinque Ports, exercising Admiralty Jurisdiction; the High Court of Appeals in Prize Causes ; and the High Court of Delegates, in Admiralty Matters, in England.


AFFIDAVIT to be filed, read, or used in any of the said Courts

  0 5 0

ALLEGATION in any of the said Courts

  0 5 0

ANSWER in any of the said Courts

  0 5 0

APPEAL from any definitive Sentence or final Decree, or from any interlocutory Decree or Order, of any of the said Courts

  15 0 0

ATTACHMENT issuing out of any of the said Courts

  1 10 0

BAIL BOND, or Recognizance, taken in any of the said Courts, or by Commission from the same

  1 0 0

CITATION issuing out of any of the said Courts

  1 0 0

COMMISSION issuing out of any of the said Courts

  0 5 0