Page:Proceedings at the second anniversary meeting of the Loyal publication society, February 11, 1865.djvu/20

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Complete sets of our publications were sent to eminent persons in Europe: these were cordially acknowledged in letters expressive of great sympathy for the national cause; these letters were printed, and form No. 70 of the series of publications. Five thousand copies of the pamphlet "Our Burden and our Strength" have been sent for distribution to the Union and Emancipation Societies of London and Manchester, and to the liberal clubs in Great Britain. Receipt of these has been acknowledged, with assurance that the pamphlets were carefully distributed, and had a powerful influence in correcting the prejudices existing on the great issues now distracting our country.

The members of the Committee desire to express their gratification at the great cordiality and unanimity with which the operations of the Society have been conducted, and to acknowledge their obligations to the Publication Committee, whose labors have enabled them to issue a series of publications so meritorious and creditable.

This Society was organized to counteract the baneful influences of publications which were at the time insidious and dangerous; but which might at this time be transferred to loyal pages, as specimens of delusive fallacies and sophistries, now exploded, like the associations from whence they emanated.

The Loyal Publication Society has now become a recognized element in diffusing loyal and valuable information on the great questions which agitate the country. Some characteristic extracts from letters received by it are appended to this report, and show how its efforts are appreciated. During the coming year the efforts and influences of the Society will continue to be directed to counteract all treasonable teachings calculated to weaken the loyal sentiment of the people in the support of our Government. It will be our desire to present to the public publications prepared for this Society by the leading minds of the country.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Chairman of Executive Committee.

Charles Pontez, Secre ary pro tempore.