Page:Proceedings at the second anniversary meeting of the Loyal publication society, February 11, 1865.djvu/3

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The Loyal Publication Society held its second Anniversary Meeting on the evening of Saturday, February 11, 1865, at the rooms of the Society, 863 Broadway.

The President, Dr. Francis Lieber, in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The Report of the Treasurer, Mr. Morris Ketchum, with an account current, showing a balance to the credit of the Society of $916 30, was read by the Secretary, accepted and ordered on file.

The Secretary of the Society, Mr. John Austin Stevens, Jr., read a general report of the operations of the Society, which, on motion, was accepted.

The Report of the Committee on Publications was read by the Secretary, and, on motion, accepted.

The Report of the Executive Committee was read by its Chairman Mr. W. T. Blodgett, and, on motion, accepted.

The Secretary was requested to superintend the printing of the foregoing reports, together with the Record of the Proceedings of this the Second Anniversary Meeting of the Society.