Page:Proceedings at the second anniversary meeting of the Loyal publication society, February 11, 1865.djvu/30

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No. 31. Address of the Loyal Leagues, Utica, October 20, 1863.
32. War Power of the President—Summary Imprisonment. By J. Heermans.
33. The Two Ways of Treason.
34. The Monroe Doctrine. By Edward Everett, &c.
35. The Arguments of Secessionists. Francis Lieber.
36. Prophecy and Fulfillment. Letter of A. H. Stephens—Address of E.W. Gantt.
37. How the South Rejected Compromise, &c. Speech of Mr. Chase in Peace Conference of 1861.
38. Letters on our National Struggle. By Brigadier-General Thomas Francis Meagher.
39. Bible View of Slavery, by John H. Hopkins, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont. Examined by Henry Drisler.
40. The Conscription Act: a Series of Articles. By Geo. B. Butler, N.Y.
41. Réponse de MM. De Gasparin, Laboulaye, &c.
42. Reply of Messrs. Gasparin, Laboulaye, and others.
43. Antwort der Herren De Gasparin, Laboulaye, Martin, Cochin, au die Loyal National League.