Page:Proceedings of the Convention of the Equal Rights and Educational Association of Georgia 1866.djvu/17

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Wiley McClenon and Mr Wm (Clarke, Assistant Marshall: Rev Robert Anderson was chosen Chaplain of the Cenvention.

On motion of H M Turner, of Bibb, voted that a Committee On Address and the Condition of the Colored People in the State be appointed. The following gentlemen were appointed: Rev H M Turner of Bibb, Sherman of Dougherty, McAlister of Morgan, Brooks of Newton, Jas Benifield of Monroe.

The President appointed the following additional Committees:

On Resolutions: Andrew Jackson of Fulton, Gardiner of Hancock, Harris of Warren, and Bacon of Clarke.

On Constitution and Policy of the Association Heath of Warren, Mann of Fulton, Cokine of Cobb, and Travis of Monroe.

A resolution was unanimously passed inviting the members of the Union League to seats on the floor of the Convention. Revs Flagg, Turner, and Purdy were appointed a committee to inform the members of the Union League of the action of the Association. Mr Jno A Rockwell, Superintendent of Free Schools at Macon, under the American Missionary Association, was introduced to the Convention by the President.

The remainder of the day was spent in hearing the reports of the delegates from the different counties giving an account of the condition of the colored people in the counties which they represented.

evening session.

The Convention was called to order at 7 o'clock by the President. Rev Andrew Jackson, of Fulton, from the Committee on Resolutions, reported the following, which, after debate, were adopted:

Resolved, That 'we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.'

Resolved, That in regard to the franchise, we will never cease to protest against all partial legislation, based on color or race, or other adventituous distinctions.

Resolved, That while we protest against all partial legislation, and while we demand equal rights for all citizens, we recommend that for the coming year the members of our Association refrain from public political discussion in the meetings of the Association, and exert their entire influence to establish schools and educate the people.

Resolved, That we advise our friends to hold educational conventions in each of the Congressional Districts of the State during the coming year.

Resolved, That we cordially approve of the noble course pursued by the Loyal Georgian, and the able and fearless manner in which it