Page:Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy vol XXXIII.djvu/560

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236 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. they approved by the Lords go no further, it is to save the rest till they come in fnller Tennes to be approved also. My Toyle and expensive daily attendance -with a boy to wait on me, and a Scribe to assist me at above 10 5£ p anno besides lodgings and food etc are well known here even to great streightuess. How I can do more and serve them better I dont know. The Lord uphold my life to my poor Family under all my troubles. Among many that ask for thee Sr. Eoger Mosson is one, 'twas yesterday and remember to thee, and was not displeas'd at the Acct. 1 gave him. Our hearts here are great, and the mightiest party making that . . . [Here the letter abruptly ends.] London, 7th. 12 mo. 1705. Honoured Friend I did in my last inform thee, of what Letters I Fiecd. from thee, since which came that of the 22nd Augt. the last before being of 5th of July as thy dates express. I am truly glad thy state of health returns thy great usefuUness to me engages me to desire and hope it and my Friendship not less ; and as it is pleasing news to all thy Friends. I sent thy Mother and flfriend Lawton theirs, who are with the rest of thy Friends well and salute thee : Mine are also I bless God, with the addition of another boy, now five in all, and with theii- Mother at their Grandfathers at Bristoll. Our Laws are before the Queen, and what cannot be done at once must be done at twice, for I wiU take the Confirmation as I can get it. J. Logans last was of 9th 9mo. that by the Nonsuch is not yet come to hand nor Ld. Cornberrys 2 days ago, the lessor Letters are come to hand, which I admire at, so can send no answer. Things go smooth with the Queen as to home and foreign business and in Spain by Ld. Peterboroughs Letter to me ^who succeeds so far that most of Valentia and Arrogan have declared for the now King Charles the 3rd) who has made Mm Generallissimo of all his Armies everywhere, I had a letter from him of the 2d. 9mo. last, two days after the Secretarys and if the Eeeruits sent him, get time enough that King will in all probability be in possession of Spain in a years time. For my surrender I govern myself by the dealings I find among you towards me. If I may believe CoU. Quarry he goes highly disposed to favour our aflfairs, words and his had, before divers, have pledged performances and I cannot perceive here otherwise, he sees how it is with me and that it will not hurt his Interest to befriend mine, and a little time after his arrival if thou etc think it for my advantage that he comes into the Counsil, he is willing, and I should be so too, and that he be first or second thereof to show he is reconsiled. I wait ye. conclusion of the last assembly, finally to take my own measures, and I hope to have it by the Pacquet not yet come to hand. I cannot at this distance judge, but must depend upon thy Judgmt. and my best friends and time.