Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 19.djvu/9

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No. 123.— June 16, 1870.

On the Atmospheric Lines of the Solar Spectrum, in a Letter to the President. By Lieut. J. H. Hennessey 1
On the Eadiation of Heat from the Moon. — No. II. By the Earl of Rosse, F.R.S 9
On Linear Differential Equations.— No. in. By W. H. L. Russell, F.RS. 14
Observations with the Great Melbourne Telescope, in a Letter to Prof. Stokes. By A. Le Sueur 18
Chemical and Physiological Experiments on living Cinchonse. By J. Broughton, B.Sc, F.C.S., Chemist to the Cinchona-Plantations of the Madras Government 20
Researches on the Hydrocarbons of the Series C» H271.+2. — VI. By C. Schorlemmer 20
Formation of Cetyl-alcohol by a singular reaction. By C. Schorlemmer 22
Researches in Animal Electricity. By C. B. Radcliffe, M.D. 22
List of Presents 29

Communications received after the Session.

On Approach caused by Vibration. By Frederick Guthrie 35
On Jacobi's Theorem respecting the relative equilibrium of a Revolving Ellipsoid of Fluid, and on Ivory's discussion of the Theorem. By I. Todhunter, M. A., F.R.S., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge 42
On the Theory of Continuous Beams. By John Mortimer Heppel, M. Inst. C.E 56
Remarks on Mr. Heppel's Theory of Continuous Beams. By W. J. Macquorn Rankine, C.E., LL.D., F.R.S 68
Researches into the Chemical Constitution of the Opium Bases. — Part IV. On the Action of Chloride of Zinc on Codeia. By Augustus Matthiessen, F.R.S., Lecturer on Chemistry at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and W. Burnside, of Christ's Hospital 71