Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 2.djvu/17

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An Account of a New Mode of performing the High Operation for the Stone. By Sir Everard Home, Bart. V.P.R.S. page 131
A Sketch of an Analysis and Notation applicable to the Estimation of the Value of Life Contingencies. By Benjamin Gompertz, Esq. F.R.S. 132
On the Measurement of Snowdon, by the Thermometrical Barometer. By the Rev. F. J. H. Wollaston, B.D. F.R.S. 132
On Sounds Inaudible by certain Ears. By William Hyde Wollaston, M.D. P.R.S. 133
Particulars respecting the Anatomy of the Dugong, intended as a Supplement to Sir T. S. Raffles's Account of that Animal. By Sir Everard Home, Bart. F.R.S. 134
On the Compressibility of Water. By Jacob Perkins, Esq. 134
Astronomical Observations. By Stephen Groombridge, Esq. F.R.S. 135
On the Black Rete Mucosum of the Negro being a Defence against the Scorching Effect of the Sun's Rays. By Sir Everard Home, Bart. F.R.S. page 135
On the Magnetic Phenomena produced by Electricity. In a Letter from Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. F.R.S. to W. H. Wollaston, M.D. P.R.S. 136
A Communication of a singular Fact in Natural History. By the Right Honourable the Earl of Morton, F.R.S. 137
Particulars of a Fact, nearly similar to that related by Lord Morton, communicated to the President, in a Letter from Daniel Giles, Esq. 137
The Croonian Lecture. Microscopical Observations on the following Subjects. On the Brain and Nerves; showing that the Materials of which they are composed exist in the Blood. On the Discovery of Valves in the Branches of the Vas breve, lying between the Villous and Muscular Coats of the Stomach. On the Structure of the Spleen. By Sir Everard Home, Bart. V.P.R.S. 137
On Two New Compounds of Chlorine and Carbon, and on a New Compound of Iodine, Carbon, and Hydrogen. By Mr. Faraday. 138
An Account of the Comparison of various British Standards of Linear Measure. By Captain Henry Kater, F.R.S. 139
An Account of the Urinary Organs and Urine of Two Species of the genus Rana. By John Davy, M.D. F.R.S. 140
An Account of a Micrometer made of Rock Crystal. By G. Dollond, F.R.S. 141
The Bakerian Lecture. On the best kind of Steel and Form for a Compass Needle. By Captain Henry Kater, F.R.S. 141
Notice respecting a Volcanic Appearance in the Moon. By Captain Henry Kater, F.R.S. 142
A Further Account of Fossil Bones discovered in Caverns inclosed in the Lime-stone Rocks at Plymouth. By Joseph Whidbey, Esq. 142
On the Aeriform Compounds of Charcoal and Hydrogen; with an Account of some Additional Experiments on the Gases from Oil and from Coal. By William Henry, M.D. F.R.S. 143