Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/10

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Observations made on the temperature and specific gravity of the

ocean at various depths, and at the surface, namely, page 220

Observations of the magnetic iutesity on shore, and on board H.1Vi.S. Erebus, with needle F. 1.

Magnetic dip observations on shore, and on board H.M.S. Erebus, with needle F. 1.

Observations for the magnetic (lip on shore, and on board H.M.S. Terror.

Observations of the magnetic dip by needle F. C. 5. on shore, and on board H.M.S. Terror.

Observations in magnelic intensity by needle F. C. 5. on shore, and on board H.M.S. Terror...................

Posmcript to Major Sabine’s paper, entitled ‘ Contributions to Ter— restrial Magnetism,’ containing an extract from a letter from Capt. James Clark Ross, commanding the Antarctic expedition, dated from St. Helena, February 9th, 1840; noticing the success which had attended the employment of Mr. Fox’s Instrument, in observations of the magnetic dip and intensity on shipboard ............. ........

A few Remarks on a Rain Table and Map, drawn up by Joseph At- kinson, ........ ....................... .....

Extracts from a Meteorological Journal kept at Allenheads, in the county of Northumberland. By the Rev. W. Walton, F.R.S ....

Description of an Astronomical Clock invented by the late Captain Henry Kater, F.R.S. Drawn up from his own memorandums by his son Edward Kater, Esq. ...... ........ .....

Researches in Embryology.-Third Series. A Contribution to the Physiology of Cells. By Martin Barry, M.D. F.R.S. F.R.S.E. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh

0n the Odour accompanying Electricity, and on the probability of its dependence on the presence ofa new substance. By C. F. chm - bein, Professor of Chemistry, Bale

Tables of the Variation, through a cycle of nine years, of the mean height of the Barometer, mean Temperature, and depth of Rain, as connected with the prevailing Winds, influenced in their direction by the occurrence of the Lunar Apsides, with some concluding observa- tions on the result. By Luke Howard, Esq. F.R.S. Sac ....

Experimental Researches into the strength of Pillars of Cast lron, and other meterials. By Eaton Hodgkinson,

Remarks on the Meteorological Observations made at Alten, Fin- marken, by Mr. S. H. Thomas in the years 1837, 1838, and 1839. By Major Sabine. R.A. V.P.R.S., and Lieut. Col. Sykes, F.R.S.; being a Report from the Committee of Physics, including Meteoro- logy, to the Council ofthc Royal Society

Second Letter on the Electrolysis of Secondary Compounds, addressed to Michael Faraday, Esq. D.C.L. F.R.S. 810. By J. Frederic Daniell, Esq. For. Sec. R.S. Professor of Chemistry in King’s Col- lege, London

Meteorological Register kept at Port Arthur, Van Diemen’s Laud, du- ring the year 1838, and the Register of Tides at Port Arthur, from August 1838 to July 1839, both inclusive. By Deputy—Assistant- Commissary-General Lempriere ..........................