Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/209

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The following is the statement with respect to the Receipts and Payments of the Society during the preceding year, which was laid on the table by the Treasurer : —

Statement of the Receipts and Payments of the Royal Society between

Nov. 29, 1838, and Nov. 28, 1839. Receipts : — £• s. d.

Balance in the hands of the Treasurer at the last Audit . . 1463 14 5

28 Weekly Contributions, at one shilling 72 16

159 Quarterly Contributions, at £1 : —

141 Annual Contributions at £4 564

One Reinstated (Two Annual Payments) . . 8 Six elected before the last Anniversary .... 600 Two elected before March 2oth, 1839 .... 8

Eight elected after March 25th, 1839 8


36 Admission Fees 360

1 Composition for Annual Payment at £40 40

10 Compositions for Annual Payments at £60 600

Rents : —

One year's rent of estate at Mablethorpe : due £. s. d. at Michaelmas, (less the expenses of de- fending the Tythe suit, £55. 13. 3) 51 6 9

One year's rent of lands at Acton : due at

Michaelmas, 1839 60

One year's fee-farm rent of lands in Sussex ;

land-tax deducted : dueatMichaelmas, 1839 19 4

One fifth of the clear rent of an estate at Lam- beth Hill, from the Royal College of Phy- sicians, in pursuance of Lady Sadleir's will :

due at Midsummer, 1839 3

133 10 9

Dividends on Stock : —

One year's dividendon £14,000 Reduced 3 per

cent. Annuities 420

Dividend on £3452. 1. 1 Consols, the produce of the sale of the premises in Coleman-

street 103 11 2

One year's dividend on £200 Consols .... 6

Donation Fund. One year's dividend on £4150. 0. Consols 124 10

Rumford Fund. One year's dividend on £2161 . 0. 10 Consols 64 16 6 One half year's dividend on £131. 10. 9. . . . 119 ^

Fairchild Fund. One year's dividend on £100 New South Sea

Annuities 3

— 723 17

Miscellaneous Receipts : —

Sale of Philosophical Transactions, Abstracts of Papers, and Catalogue of the Royal Society's Library 286 13

Sale of Catalogue to Subscribers 75

Total Receipts

£4349 11