Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/298

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Cauchy : nearly two hundred pages of this work are printed, which are altogether confined to generalities, whose applications were destined to form the subject of a second and concluding section : those who are acquainted with the other works of Poisson will be best able to appreciate the irreparable loss which optical science has sustained in the non-completion of such a work from the hands of such a master.

The Statutes relating to elections were then read by the Secretary.

Joseph Smith, Esq. and Archibald John Stephens, Esq., were appointed Scrutators to assist the Secretaries in examining the balloting lists.

The ballot was then taken, and Dr. Roget, on the part of the Scrutators, reported the following gentlemen as being duly elected Officers and Council for the ensuing year :

President. — The Marquis of Northampton.

Treasurer. — Sir John William Lubbock, Bart., M.A.

Secretaries. — Peter Mark Roget, M.D. ;

Samuel Hunter Christie, Esq., M.A.

Foreign Secretary. — John Frederic Daniell, Esq.

Other Members of the Council. — George Biddell Airy, Esq., M.A., A.R. ; Sir John Barrow, Bart. ; Thomas Bell, Esq. ; William Thomas Brande, Esq. ; Richard Bright, M.D. ; Sir Benjamin Brodie, Bart. ; The Earl of Burlington ; Bryan Donkin, Esq. ; William Henry Fitton, M.D. ; Edward Forster, Esq. ; The Very Rev. the Dean of Ely, D.D. ; Richard Phillips, Esq. ; The Rev. Baden Powell; Major Edward Sabine, R.A. ; Lieut. -Col. Wil- liam H. Sykes ; Rev. Robert Willis, M.A.

The Thanks of the Meeting were given to the Scrutators for their trouble in examining the lists.

The following is the statement with respect to the Receipts and Payments of the Society during the preceding year, which was laid on the table by the Treasurer : —

Statement of the Receipts and Payments of the Royal Society between Nov, 28, 1839, and Nov, ^8, 1840.

Receipts : — £ s. d.

Balance in the hands of the Treasurer at the last Audit . . 1808 9 7 27 Weekly Contributions, at one shilling .... 70 4

184 Quarterly Contributions 697

767 4

Carried forward. , 2575 13 7