Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/404

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March 10, 1842.

SIR JOHN WILLIAM LUBBOCK, Bart, V.P. and Treas. in the Chair.

Cuthbert William Johnson, Esq., and Joseph Toynbee, Esq., were balloted for, and severally elected into the Society.

The following papers were read, viz. —

1 . " Meteorological Observations, taken in conformity with the Report drawn up by the Committee of Physics, including Meteoro- logy, for the guidance of the Antarctic Expedition ; as also for the fixed Magnetic Observatories, at the Magnetic Observatory, Ross- Bank, Van Diemen's Land, for July and August 1841." Commu- nicated by the Master-General of the Ordnance.

2. " Meteorological Register kept at Port Arthur, Van Diemen's Land, during the Year 1839." By Deputy Assistant Commissary- General Lempriere. Communicated by Captain Beaufort, R.N., F.R.S.

3. A paper was in part read, entitled, " Contributions to the Che- mical History of the Compounds of Palladium and Platinum." By Robert Kane, M.D., M.R.I.A. Communicated by Francis Baily, Esq., V.P.R.S.

The Vice-President in the Chair announced that the Council had determined to propose to the Society the ejection of Mr. William John Bankes, F.R.S.