Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/425

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the surfaces of bodies, to which M. Dutrochet has given the name of epipolic forces,

2. " Boring Register, Bow Island, South Pacific." By Captain Edward Belcher, R.N., commimicated by Captain Beaufort, R.N., F.R.S.

The results of the boring operations carried on in this island are here given, as well as the register of the daily proceedings, under the particular superintendence of Mr. Thomas Pass, acting master of H.M.S. Sulphur. The depth reached was 45 feet, when the augur broke, and no further progress could be made.

November 30, 1842. At the Anniversary Meeting^

The MARQUIS OF NORTHAMPTON, President, in the Chair.

John Thomas Graves, Esq., M.A., on the part of the Auditors of the Treasurer's Accounts, reported, that the total receipts during the last year, inclusive of a balance of 609/. 2^, 8c/., carried from the account of the preceding year, amounted to 3959/. 05. 10c?. ; and that the total payments in the same period amounted to 2813/. l?^. 56?., leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of 1145/. 35. 5d.

The thanks of the Meeting were given to the Auditors for the trouble they have taken in examining the Treasurer's accounts.

The thanks of the Meeting were voted to the Treasurer.

The Secretary read the following list of deceased Fellows of the Royal Society since the last Anniversary in 1841 ; of those ejected, and of Fellows admitted into the Royal Society since the last Anni- versary.

List of Fellows of the Royal Society deceased since the last An- niversary (1841).

On the Home List,

Sir William Beatty, Knt., M.D. Sir Charles Bell, K.H. Thomas Blizard, Esq. Lt.-Col. Sir Alex. Burnes, Knt. Sir William Burroughs, Bart. Richard Hart Davis, Esq. Joseph Delafield, Esq. John Dickenson, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir V\^illiam

Garrow, Knt. Lord Francis Gray. Francis George Hare, Esq. tienry Hennell, Esq.

Sir Henry Hugh Hoare, Bart. James Ivory, Esq., K.H., M.A. Joseph Jekyll, Esq. M.A. Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. The Earl of Macclesfield. The Earl of Munster. The Duke of Norfolk. John Gage Rokewode, Esq. Samuel Seaward, Esq. Henry Harper Spry, Esq. Lord Vivian.

Lieut. J. R. Wellstead, I.N, John Yelloly, M.D.