Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/438

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had, however, as has already been stated, a pension of £300 per annum subsequently conferred on him by His Majesty. In 1839, the University of St. Andrews conferred on him the Degree of Doc- tor of Laws.

Although his health had been early impaired by his close appli- cation to scientific investigation, he never allowed himself to be un- occupied, but was constantly engaged in his researches to the period of his last illness. In the end of last year his health became seri- ously impaired, and after an illness of several months, but retaining his faculties to the last, he died on the 21st of September of the present year, aged 77. He was never married*.

Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq., was born at Bath on the 2nd of February, 1761. He was the son of Edmund Lambert, Esq., of Boyton House, near Heytesbury, and inherited the name of Bourke from his mother, who was the daughter of Viscount Mayo. He

  • The contributions of Mr. Ivory to the Philosophical Transactions are

the following : —

1. On the Attractions of Homogeneous Ellipsoids. (Phil. Trans. 1809^ p. 345.)

2. On the Grounds of the Method which Laplace has given in the se- cond chapter of the third book of his Mecanique Celeste for computing the Attractions of Spheroids of every description. (Ibid. 1812, p. 1.)

3. On the Attractions of an extensive class of Spheroids. (Ibid. 1812, p. 46.)

4. A New Method of deducing a first Approximation to the Orbit of a Comet from three Geocentric Observations. (Ibid. 1814, p. 121.)

5. On the Expansion in a series of the Attraction of a Spheroid. (Ibid. 1822, p. 99.)

6. On the Astronomical Refractions. (Ibid. 1823, p. 409.)

7. On the figure requisite to maintain the Equilibrium of a Homoge- neous Fluid Mass that revolves upon an Axis, (Ibid. 1824, p. 85.)

8. On the Equilibrium of Fluids, and the Figure of a Homogeneous Planet in a Fluid State. (Ibid. 1831, p. 109.)

9. On the Theory of the Elliptic Transcendents. (Ibid. 1831, p. 349.)

10. On the Theory of the Perturbations of the Planets. (Ibid. 1832, p. 195.)

11. On the Development of the Disturbing Function, upon which de- pend the inequalities of the Motions of the Planets, caused by their mutual Attraction. (Ibid. 1833, p. 559.)

12. On the Equilibrium of a Mass of Homogeneous Fluid at liberty. (Ibid. 1834, p. 491.)

13. Of such Ellipsoids consisting of homogeneous matter as are capable of having the resultant of the attraction of the mass upon a particle in the surface, and a centrifugal force caused by revolving about one of the axes, made perpendicular to the surface. (Ibid. 1838, p. 57.)

14. On the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions. (Ibid. 1838, p. I69.)

15. On the Condition of Equilibrium of an Incompressible Fluid, the particles of which are acted upon by Accelerating Forces. (Ibid. 1839, p. 243.)

16. Note of Mr. Ivory, relating to the correcting of an error in a paper printed in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1838, pp. b7 , &c. (Ibid. 1839, p. 265.)