Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/452

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£ s. d. £ s. d.

Brought forward ... 561 12 10

Allan and Co. : —

For Books for the Magnetic Observatory of Egypt

' 33 6

Mr. Amyot, Treasurer of the Society of Antiquaries : The moiety of the Expenses for repairing the Lamps on Staircase

7 1 9

Salaries : —

Dr. Roget, one year, as Secretary 105

S. H. Christie, Esq., one year, as Secretary. . 105

Ditto for Index to PhiL Trans 5 5

John F. Daniel], Esq., one year, as For. Sec. 20

Mr. Roberton, one year,as Assistant-Secretary 200

Mr. W. E. Shuckard, one year, as Librarian. .50

G. Iloltzer, one year, as Porter 30

Ditto, for extra Porterage 10

525 5

Few, Hamilton and Few, Sohcitors :

Law Expenses 45 11

Ditto, Mablethorpe Tithe Suit, Society's pro- portion of the Costs of Appeal 110

Ditto, ditto, for the Balance of the Costs of

the Suit 53 13 3

209 4 3

Sir Clifton Wintringhain s Bequest :

Loscombe Suit : — Paid to the Foundling

Hospital 100

Ditto, for the Costs of ditto 25 7 6

Ditto, for the Attorney-General's Costs. ... 13 14 2

139 1 8

Fire Insurance, on the Society's Property 48 8 3

Mrs. Coppard: Gratuity 10

Bills :—


Printing the Phil. Trans., 1841, part 2 .. 132 15

Ditto, 1842, part 1 88 13 6

Ditto, Proceedings, Nos. 49 — 54; Circulars,

Lists of Fellows, Ballot-lists, Statement

of Payments, and Minutes of Council;

&c. &c 115 15 6

337 4

Carried forward ... 1871 3 9