Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/507

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.relation of the electric and magnetic

forces, 78. Electric inductive capacity, specific, of

certain substances, 40, 392. Electricity evolved by the friction of

waterand steam against otherbodies,


, M. Becquerel's memoirs on, 22.

, on the elementary laws of, 156.

, on the odour accompanying,


, Prof. Faraday's researches in,

37, 49, 54, 77, 111, 200, 213, 437.

, voltaic, contact theory of, 200 ;

chemical theory of, 201.; on the production of heat by, 280.

Electro-chemical equivalents, on, 232.

Electrolysis of secondary compounds, 153, 231.

Electrolytic discharge, 50.

Electro-magnetic clock, 249.

Electrometer, 38.

, hydrostatic, 156.

, micrometer, 193.

Electro-nitrogurets, on, 286.

Elemi resin, 241.

Ellipse and the hyperbola, method of

proving the three leading properties

of the, 443. , spherical, on the rectification

and quadrature of the, 387. Ellipsoids of equilibrium, on, 34. Embryo, first rudiments of the, not

two halves, 283. Embryology, researches in, 73, 136,

222, 279.

Emys Benstedi, a remarkable fossil

turtle, 305. Epithelium tables, cells and cylinders,

compared with corpuscles of the

blood, 324. Equations, numerical, new method of

solving, 300. Equivalents, chemical, on, 119, 123. Erratic boulders of Lochaber, 128. Erythrine, chemical examination of,


Erythroleicacid, chemical examination

of, 233. Erythrolein, 234.

Erythryline, chemical examination of, 233.

Erythrolitmine, 234.

Escapement for an astronomical clock,

description of an, 221. Eudiometry, appHcation of the gas

battery to, 464.

Euphorbium resin, 241.

Evans (Dr. W. J.) on the general and

minute structure of the spleen, 456,


Exley (T.) on a new theory of physics, 325.

Eye, on the structure and mode of ac- tion of the iris, 439.

, on the cure of congenital blind- ness, 303.

, on the anatomy and physiology

of certain structures in the orbit, 311.

Factorial expressions, on, 456.

Falkland Islands, meteorological jour- nal kept at, 330.

Fallopian tube of the rabbit, ova found in the, 222.

Faraday (Prof.), researches in electri- city (11th Series), 37; (12th Series), 47, 49; (13th Series), 53, 54 ; (14th Series), 77; (15th Series), 111 ; (16th Series), 200; (17th Series), 213; (18th Series), 437.

-, a Copley medal awarded to, for

his discovery of specific electrical in- duction, 100.

, chemical account of the Cold

Bokkeveld meteoric stone, 134.

Farnborough (Lord), notice of the late, 94.

Farquharson (Rev. Dr. J.), on a geo- metrical measurement of the height of the aurora borealis, 162.

, on the localities affected by hoar- frost, 293, 294.

, on ground-gru, or ice formed at the bottom of running water, 295.

, on a remarkable appearance of

the aurora borealis below the clouds, 382.

Farre (A.) on the organ of hearing in Crustacea, 471.

Fecundation, changes in the ovarian ovum preparatory to, 222 ; point of, 222 ; changes in the ovum immedi- ately after, 223.

Fellows of the Royal Society admitted, 4, 85, 168, 251, 340, 400.

, table showing their number in

1837, 32; in 1838, 109; in 1839, 251 ; in 1840, 277 ; in 1841, 360; in 1842, 428.

, Foreign Members admitted, 5,

168, 252, 400.

Fellows of the Society, deceased, list of, 4, 85, 167, 251, 340, 399.