Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/509

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Ground-gm, or ice formed at the bot- tom of running water, 295.

Grove (W. R.) on some electro-nitro- gm-ets, 286.

on the gas voltaic battery, 463.

Grover (Capt. J.), notice of the comet of 1843, 456.

Guaiacum, resin of, 163.

• , action of light on a solution of

this resin spread on paper, 393.

Guernsev, meteorological journal kept at, 466.

Guiana, meteorological observations taken at Georgetown, 467.

Gulliver (G.) on suppuration, 67.

on the blood-corpuscles of certain

species of the genus Cervus, 199.

Gymnotus, character and direction of the electric force of, 111.

Hsemadynamometer of Poiseuille, 285.

Haggard (W. D.), experiments made on a piece of Pena silver, 119.

Hake (Dr.) on the structure and func- tions of the spleen, 164.

Hall (C. R.) on the structure and mode of action of the iris, 439,

Halliwell (J. O.), a catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Royal Society made by, 253, 334.

Hanson (Prof.) on a new method of computing the perturbations of the planets, 435.

Harding (Col. G. J.), wind table from observations taken at Gibraltar,432.

Hardy (P.) on a new and general no- tation applicable to the doctrine of life contingencies, 198.

Hargreave (C. J.) on the calculation of attractions, and the figure of the earth, 289.

Harris (W. S.) on the elementary laws of electricity, 156.

on the specific inductive capacities

of certain electric substances, 392.

Hearing, the organ of, in Crastacea, 471.

Heat, on the production of, by voltaic

electricity, 280. , Prof. Forbes's discoveries in the

polarization and double refraction

of, 104.

Hennell (H.), notice of the late, 419.

Henning (Capt. A.), meteorological register kept during a voyage from London to Calcutta and back to London, 329.

Henwood (W. J.) on the electric con- ditions of the rocks and metallife- rous veins (lodes) of mines in Corn- wall, 317.

Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) on the art of photography, 131.

on the chemical action of the

solar spectinim on preparations of silver, &c., 203, 205.

, a Royal medal awarded to, 255.

on the action of the rays of the

solar spectrum on vegetable colours, 393, 397.

on improvements in photogra- phic processes, 398.

on an extraordinary luminous

appearance [the Great Comet] in the heavens on the 17th of March, 1843, 450.

Heygate (Dr. J.) on the nature acd properties of iodide of potassium, and its applicability to the cure of chronic diseases, 473.

Hibbert, (G.), notice of the late, 93.

Hilton (J.) on the decussation of fibres at the junction of the medulla spi- nalis with the medulla oblongata, 71.

Hoar-frost, on the localities affected by, 294.

Hoare (Sir R. C), notice of the late, 93.

Hodgkinson (Eaton) on the strength of pillars of cast iron and other ma- terials, 227.

, Royal medal awarded to, 338.

Hogg (J.) on the action of light upon the colour of the river sponge, 72.

Holland (Lord), notice of the late, 264.

Home (Capt. Sir J.E., Bart), magnetic observations made in the West In- dies, on the Coasts of Brazil and North America, 4.

Hoofs, the, one of a class of non-vas- cular animal tissues, 310.

Hopkins (W.) on the state of the in- terior of the earth, 83.

— ^ on the phenomena of precession and nutation, assuming the fluidity of the interior of the earth, 115, 129, 367.

Horse, on the markings of the eel- back dun variety of, 163.

Hoskins (Dr. S. E.) on the decompo- sition and disintegration of phos- phatic vesical calculi, 442.

, meteorological journal kept at

Guernsey, 466.