Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/513

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Magnetical and meteorological obser- vations, grant of ^6500 for the pur- chase of instruments, 21.

made at Madras, 371, 396 ;

at Trevandrmn, 39G.

Magnetism, Prof. Gauss's researches on, 99.

, theory of induced, 142.

, terrestrial, Lieut-Col. Sabine's

contributions to, 212, 221, 287, 369,

465, 468.

Malpighian bodies of the kidney, on the structure and use of the, 375.

Mansfield (Earl of), notice of the late, 264.

Mantell (G.) on the lower jaw of the Iguanodon, and on the remains of the Hylseosaurus and other Sau- rians of Tilgate Forest, 289, 290.

on the fossil remains of turtles

in the chalk formation of the S. E. of England, 305.

Manuscript letters in the Library of the Royal Society, a catalogue made of the, "25 3.

Manuscripts in the Library of the Royal Society, a catalogue made of the, 253.

Marsh (Dr. Herbert, Bishop of Peter- borough), biographical notice of,l 74.

Marum (Dr. M. van), notice of the late, 99.

Mastic, resin of, 136.

Media, absorbent, of the analysis of the chemical rays of the spectrum by, 209.

, of the exalting and depressing

power exercised by certain, 209.

Medulla oblongata, the cerebellum considered as an appendage to the brain rather than to the, 473.

Medulla spinalis, on the decussation of fibres at the junction of, with the medulla oblongata, 71.

Megalosaurus, remains of, discovered in the strata of Tilgate Forest, 290.

Membrana granulosa, 74.

Mercury, on a new equi-atomic com- pound of bicyanide with binoxide of, 135.

, photographic properties of, 398.

Meridian, LaCaille's arc of the, on the verification of the amplitude of, 192.

Metals, on their reduction from solu- tions of their salts by the voltaic circuit, 447.

Meteoric stone, account of the fall of

a, at the Cape of Good Hope, 134, 210; chemical account of the, 134.

Meteorological instruments at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, with which observations have been made, from Nov. 1840 to July 1841. 330.

journal kept at Allenheads,

Northumberland, 221, 297, 371.

journal kept at the Falkland

Islands, 330.

journal kept at Guernsey, 466.

• observations on the mode in

which they have been recorded in the Journal of the Royal Society, 2.

made at Alten in Finmar-

ken, 195 ; remarks on, 229.

taken on board H.M.S,

Erebus and Terror, 293, 303, 374, 380.

taken at Constantinople,


made at St. Helena, 295.

made at Toronto, 295, 380.

made at Plymouth, 303.

taken at Madras, 362, 371,

382; at Simla, 362,371, 383.

taken at the magnetic ob- servatory, Cape of Good Hope, 374, 380.

taken at Van Diemen's

Land, 374, 378, 380. taken by the Niger Expe- dition, 380. , taken at Georgetown,

British Guiana, 467. register kept at Port Arthur,

200, 232, 329. register kept during a voyage from London to Calcutta and back to London, 329.

Microscopical examination of the teeth, 70.

examination of the texture of shells, 435.

examination of the texture of the iris in different animals, 439.

Milan, magnetic-term observations made at, 280,311.

, variation of the magnetic decli- nation, horizontal intensity and in- clination observed at, 282, 294, 298, 329, 362, 371, 435, 456, 462.

, observations on magnetic direction and intensity made at, 295, 298. Mixed plates, on the colours of, 33. Modulus of a machine, 319; of a pul- ley, 320.