Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/6

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Experiments made on a piece of Per-1a silver, saved from the Lady Charlotte, wrecked on the coast of Ireland in December 1835, as to its capability of holding water. By W. D. Haggard, Esq... page 119

On the Application of the Conversion of Chlorates and Nitrates into Chlorides, and of Chlorides into Nitrates, to the determinations of several equivalent numbers. By Frederick Penny, Esq.. . 119

Some account of the Art of Photogenic Drawing, or the Process by which Natural Objects may he made to delineate themselves with. out the aid of the Artist’s Pencil. By H. F. Talbot, Esq. F.R.S.... 120

Notice of a Shock of an Earthquake felt in the Island of St. Mary's, one of the Scilly Islands, on the Elst of January, 1839, in a letter ad- dressed to the Secretary. By the Rev. George \‘i'ordley 122

Researches on the Chemical Equivalenm of certain Bodies. By Richard Phillips, Esq. F.R.S. .. , Some Account of the Hurricane of the 7th of January, 1539, as it was experienced in the neighbourhood of Dumfries, in a letter addressed

to P. M. Roget, M.D. Secretary to the Royal Society. By P. Gar- den, Esq ............. ..


An Account of the Proee.._es employed in Photogenic Drawing, in a letter to 5. Hunter Christie, Esq. Sec. Rf. By H. Fox Talbot, Esq. F.R.S.... ................ ............................. 124

A Mcription of a Hydropneumatic Baroscope. By J . T. Cooper, E Lecturer on Chemistry ........... . 126

Observations on the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, and of other parts of Lochaber, with an attempt to prove that they are of Marine Origin. By Charles Darwin, Esq. M. RR. . Sec. Geological Societv .............. ...... . ............. ..

On the Male Organs of some of the Cartilaginous Fishes. By John Davy, M.D. F.R.S. Assistant Inspector ofArmy Hospitals. 129

Research ~ 'n Physical Geology —Third Series. On the Phaenomena on and Xutation, niing the interior of the earth to be neous fluid. By V\ . Hopkins, Esq. MA. F.R.S. &c. 129

An EXperimenlal Inquiry into the Formation of Alkaline and Earthy Bodies with reference to their presence in Plants, the Influence of Carbonic Acid in their generation, and their equilibrium of this gas in the atmosphere. By Robert Rigg, Esq. 130

Note on the Art of Photography, or the application of the Chemical

Rays of Light to the purposes of Pictorial Representation. By Sir John F. “V. Herschel, Bart. K.H. V.P.R.S. SIC . ..................... .. 131

Description of a Compensating Barometer, adapted to Meteorological purposes, and requiring no corrections either for Zero, or for Tem- perature. By Samuel B. Howlett. Esq., Chief Military Drafisman, Ordnance ................................................................... .. 133

An Account of the fall of a Meteoric Stone in the Cold Bokleveld, Cape of Good Hope. By Thomas Maclean, Esq. F.R.S. &c. in a letter to Sir John F. “H Herschel, Bart. V.P.R.S. ....... 134

Chemical Account of the Cold Bnkkeveld Meteoric Stone. By Michael Faraday, Esq. D.C.L. F.R.S. &c., in a letter to Sir John F. “I Herschel, Bart. V.P.R.S. ézc. 134