Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 5.djvu/27

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1843. No. 58.

November 23, 1843.

SIR JOHN WILLIAM LUBBOCK, Bart., Vice-President and Treasurer, in the Chair.

It was stated from the Chair that in consequence of the sudden and lamented death of Mr. Roberton, the late Assistant Secretary, which happened on the 13th instant, the meeting which was to have been held on the 16th did not take place.

The Rev. David Laing was balloted for and duly elected a Fel- low of the Society

Mr. Bowman, Mr. Dollond, Mr. Owen, Dr. Pereira and Mr. Walker, were by ballot elected Auditors of the Treasurer's ac- counts on the part of the Society.

The following papers were read, viz. — 1. " Magnetic Term Observations at Prague, for May, June, July and August, 1843." By Professor Kreil. Communicated by S. Hunter Christie, Sec. R.S., &c.

2. " Variations de la Declinaison et Intensite Magnetique obser- vees a Milan le 26 et 27 Mai, le 21 et 22 Juin, le J 9 et 20 Juillet, le 25 et 26 Aout, le 20 et 21 Septembre, le 18 et 19 Octobre, 1843." By Sig. F. Carlini, For. Mem. R.S.

3. " An Account of a remarkably large and luminous Spot in the Sea." By Captain F. Eardley Wilmot, F.R.S. With remarks on the water taken thence : in a letter to S. H. Christie, Sec. R.S., from Lieut. Manley Dixon, R.A.

The letter is as follows : —

Dear Sir, Woolwich, October 6th, 1843.

Captain F. Eardley Wilmot, on his voyage home from the Cape of Good Hope in the spring of this year, observed one night a remark- able, though not very uncommon appearance of the sea. This was a large and very luminous spot, which was clearly defined by a sharp edge. He thus describes the appearance, and also the steps