Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 59.djvu/15

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November 21, 1895. ?

Sir JOHN EVANS, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-President and Treasurer, in the Chair.

Mr, F’. M’Clean was admitted into the Society, 3

A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them.

In pursuance of the Statutes, notice of the ensuing Anniversary Meeting was given from the Chair,

Mr. Blanford, Mr. Carruthers, and Mr. Symons were by ballot — elected Auditors of the Treasurer’s accounts on the part of the. Society. je

The following Papers were read :— I. “On the Gases obtained from the Mineral Eliasite.” By J. NormMAN Lockyer, C.B., F.R.S. Received August 6, 1895. ee

Observations have been made of the gases obtained from the mineral eliasite heated im vacuo, in the manner which I have described in a former paper,* and, in addition to lines of, known gases, others have been noted, for which no origins can be traced, at the following wave-lengths :—

Angstrom. Rowland. 6121 4 6122-4 6064°6 6065°7 5990°2 5991°2 5874:9 5875-9 (Ds) 5845°7 5846°7 5428°8 5429+. 5403°1 5404°1

  • * Rey, Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 58, p. 68.