Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 60.djvu/111

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Dr. C. Chree. Observations on Atmospheric
"Observations on Atmospheric Electricity at the Kew Observatory.” By C. Chree, Sc.D., Superintendent. Communicated by Professor G. Carey F oster, F.R.S. Received May 11,—Read June 4, 1896.


Part I.

The Measurement of Potential in Theory and Practice.

§§ pa g e 1 Historical and descriptive............................................................................... 96 12— 3 Interpretation or electrograph records .............................................. . . . 98 4 Selection of stations ........................ . ................................................ * ........... 99 5—6 Comparison of results at the different sta tio n s.......................................... 100 7—9 Eatio of readings at different stations, at different times, and under different meteorological conditions........................................................... 102 10 Comparison cf water-dropper and portable electrometer .................... 106 XI Defects in instrum ents....................................................... 108 12 Checks recommended ...................................................................... 109

Part II.

Application of Results to Theories of Atmospheric Electricity.

13—15 Theories of Exner and of Elster and Greitel.............................................. 110 16 Method of treating Kew observations ...................................................... 112 17—19 Anticipation of some objections : want of uniformity in conditions as to wind, and cloudiness; proximity to London....................................... 112 20 Tables of results, including particulars as to potential, vapour density,

  • humidity, sunshine, temperature, barometric pressure, and wind

velocity........................................................................................ 114 21 Analysis of preceding tables according to voltages at base station. . . . 123 22 Further tables, each containing analysis according to magnitude of some one meteorological element.. . . ......................................................... 125 23 Discussion of possible influence of vapour density ................................ 128 24 „ „ relative humidity .............................. 128 25 ,, „ sunshine..................................... .. 128 26 „ „ ' , tem perature................. 129 27 „ „ barometric pressure............................ 129 28 „ „ wind v e lo c ity .......... .......................... 129 29—30 General summary of bearing of results on theory .............................. 130 96 Dr. C. Chree. Observations on Atmospheric

Part I.

The Measurement of Potential in Theory and Practice.

§ 1. An electrograpli belonging to the Meteorological Office has been in operation at Kew Observatory, with interruptions, since 1861. The results obtained in the early years of its existence were dis­