Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/392

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Mr. F. V. Theobald. On the Culicidce of India,

on the lower branch of the second fork-cell, and two long ones on its stem ; two on the upper, one on the lower branch of the fifth long vein, and one at its base ; three small ones on the sixth vein ; fringe dusky, partly yellow at the apex, and with a yellow spot at the termi- nations of the veins ; fork-cells short, base of the first submarginal slightly the nearer to the base of the wing, its stem nearly as long as the cell ; stem of the second posterior longer than the cell ; super- numerary cross-vein nearly its own length in front of the mid cross- vein, the posterior cross-vein longer than the mid, nearly twice its own length distant from it, stoping towards the base of the wing.

Length. 3'5 to 4'5 mm.

Habitat. Lahore, India.

Observations. Described from five ? 's sent by Captain James and Drs. Christophers and Stephens. It comes near A. maculata, Theo. (p. 171, vol. 1, ' Mono. Culicidse'), but can at once be told by the last hind tarsi not being white as in that speckled-legged anopheles ; from the speckled-legged A. Theobaldi, Giles (' Ento. Mo. Mag.,' p. 198, 1901), and A. Jamesii, Theo. ('Mono. Culicidse,' p. 134, vol. 1), also by the hind tarsi not being white. The third spot on the border of the wing is subject to some variation, as shown in fig. 1. One specimen has- only two spots on the sixth long vein, not three.

Anopheles Rossii. (Giles.)

' Journ. Trop. Med.,' Oct. 1899, Giles; ' Hnd. Bk. Gnats,' p. 149, Giles ; ' Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 154, Theobald.

Thorax pale yellowish-brown, with scattered greyish reflections, and with a darker median line arid scattered pale scales and hairs. Palpi of ? dark scaled, white apically, and with two other pale bands ; of d, swollen at the end, yellow, with a broad black band at the base, one in the middle, and a small broken one at the apex of the same joint, and a narrow black ring at the base of the last two apical joints. Abdomen dusky, with a dense covering of ochraceous hairs. Legs yellow, with brown scales and yellowish bands, both apical and basal to the tarsi. Wings with four black costal spots, the largest usually flatly T-shaped, but variable ; fringe with yellow spots where the veins join the border of the wings, except at the sixth vein.

Length of ? 4 to 6 mm. ; of <$ 4'5 to 5*5 mm.

Habitat. Calcutta ; Lucknow ; Madras ; Quilon ; Behar, Bengal ; Dacca ; Sambalpur ; Etawah, N.W.P. ; Singapore ; Perak, and other Malay States.

Observations. This species seems to be very variable in regard to the wing markings. The typical costal T-shaped spot will not distinguish the species as I previously supposed, as this spot is variable. Several specimens have an accessory spot at the end of the T-shaped one,