Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/404

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Mr. F. V. Theobald. On the Culicidce of India,

(3/3. Thorax adorned.

Thorax with two or three dusky, longitudinal lines ; basal abdominal bands curved, white or creamy.

fatigans. (Wiedemann.) Abdominal bands swollen into a median, triangular patch.

angulatus. (Theobald.)!

Culex mimeticus. (Noe.)

'Boll. d. Soc. Ent. Ital.,' 31, p. 240 (1897), Noe;

'Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 329 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax brown, with dark stripes and with golden curved scales. Abdomen brown, with basal white bands ; venter white. Legs brown, metatarsi and tarsi with basal white bands and traces of apical ones. Proboscis banded. Wings spotted with brown and yellow along the costa, three yellow spots.

Length. 5 to 6 mm.

Habitat. Punjaub ; Perak ; Italy.

Observations. Apparently a common species in parts of Northern India and Malay Peninsula. Easily told by its wings, resembling those of an Anopheles. There seems to be considerable variation in size in the specimens I have recently seen.

Culex spathipalpis. (Rondani.)

'Dipt. Ital. Prodro.,'vol. 1 (1886), Rondani; 'Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 339 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax umber-brown, with a median line of white scales, a bent white lateral line, and another more indistinct on each side below. Abdomen yellow scaled, with scattered black ones which form patches, basally banded white, the bands expanding backwards in the middle of the second and third segments and produced laterally. Legs with lines of white spots, often almost forming stripes ; metatarsi and some of the tarsi basally banded white. Wings with three small more or less distinct patches of scales.

Length of ? 7 to 8 mm. ; of $ 7 to 8 mm.

Habitat. India (Naini Ta,l) ; Italy ; Gibraltar ; Palestine.

Observations. A very marked species occurring in Europe and India. The spotted legs and wings and its large size will at once separate it.

Culex microannulatus. (Theobald.)

'Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 353 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax brown, with curved golden-brown scales and three rows of dark bristles ; abdomen dark brown with basal greyish-white bands.