Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/409

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with Descriptions of New Species of Anopheles.

Culex fatigans. (Wiedemann.)

Culex aestuans. (Wied.)

Culex pungens. (Wied.) ?

Heteronyclia dolosa. (Arribalzaga.)

'Auss. Zweif. Ins.,' p. 10, Wiedemann, &c. ; ' Mono. Culicid.,' ii, p. 151 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax brown, with two distinct dark lines on the denuded surface, covered with pale golden curved scales, with two more or less bare parallel dark lines and three rows of dark bristles. Abdomen dark brown to black, with basal white or pale creamy curved bands and white lateral spots. Legs brown ; knee, and sometimes the apex of tibia, with a pale spot.

Length of $ 4'5 to 5 - 5 mm. ; of $ 4 to 5 mm.

Habitat. Generally over India and most tropical and sub-tropical countries and even in warmer temperate countries. Subject to much variation, but easily told from its nearest ally, C. pipiens, L., by the relative greater length of the stem of the first sub-marginal cell.

The species will probably have to be divided up into a number of sub-species. Some of these I have mentioned in the ' Monograph of Culicidae ' (pp. 156-189). It is the chief Filaria carrier.

It is one of the commonest household pests in warm climates.

Culex quasipipiem. (Theobald.)

'Mono. Culicid.,' ii, p. 136 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax brown, with narrow golden curved scales ; abdomen brown, with white or pale creamy curved basal bands, last segment often entirely pale scaled. Legs unhanded brown ; knee spot pale. Wings like C. pipiens, but the stem of first sub-marginal cell longer, and the relative positions of the sub-costal and costal junction with the base of the first sub-marginal cell different, and the thoracic scales broader.

Length of ? 5 mm.

Habitat. Sambalpur (C.P.), India.

Observations. Very like C. pipiens, but differs in wing venation and in scale structure. C. pipiens, L., has so far not been observed in India.

Culex angulatus. (Theobald.)

'Mono. Culicid.,' ii, p. 324 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax deep brown, with narrow curved dull golden-brown scales ; pleurae pale. Abdomen dark brown, with yellow basal bands with a triangular expansion in the middle of each. Legs long and thin, brown.

Length of ? 4 to 4 '5 mm.