Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/5

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  1. Total Eclipse of the Sun, 1901, May 18. Preliminary Account of the Observations made at Pulo Aoer Gadang, West Coast of Sumatra. By F. W. Dyson, M.A., F.R.S., Sec. RA.S
  1. Total Eclipse of the Sun, 1901, May 18. Preliminary Account of the Observations made at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Pamplemousses, Mauritius. By E. Walter Maunder, F.R.A.S
  1. Preliminary Note on Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of 1901, May 18, made at Pamplemousses, Mauritius. By (Mrs.) A. S. D. Maunder

No. 455.

  1. Anniversary Meeting and Meeting of December 5, 1901
  1. The Development of Echinus esculentus. By E. W. MacBride, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Zoology in McGill University, Montreal. Communicated by Adam Sedgwick, F.R.S.
  1. On the Spontaneous Ionisation of Gases. By C. T. R. Wilson, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
  1. Notes on Quantitative Spectra of Beryllium. By W. N. Hartley, D.Sc., F.R.S., Royal College of Science, Dublin
  1. Preliminary Account of the Prothallium of Phylloglossum. By A. P. W. Thomas, M.A., F.L.S., University College, Auckland, N.Z. Communicated by Professor G. B. Howes, F.R.S
  1. Notes on the Development of Paludina vivipara, with Special Reference to the Urinogenital Organs and Theories of Gasteropod Torsion. (Preliminary Note.) By Isabella M. Drummond. Communicated by Professor W. F. R. Weldon, F.R.S
  1. On the Intimate Structure of Crystals. Part V. Cubic Crystals with Octahedral Cleavage. By W. J. Sollas, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. Professor of Geology in the University of Oxford
  1. Meeting of December 12, 1901, and List of Papers read
  1. Contributions to the Chemistry of Chlorophyll. No. VIII. Changes undergone by Chlorophyll in passing through the Bodies of Animals. By Edward Schunck, F.R.S .T
  1. The Effective Temperature of the Sun. By W. E. Wilson, D.Sc., F.R.S
  1. On the Constitution of Copper-Tin Alloys. By C. T. Heycock, F.R.S., and F. H. Neville, F.R.S

No. 456.

  1. Meeting of January 23, 1902, and List of Papers read
  1. Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. XI. On the Influence of Natural Selection on the Variability and Correlation of Organs. By Karl Pearson, F.R.S., University College, London