Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/517

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Acanthias vulgaris, pelvic plexus in (Punnett), 2.

Alloys (copper-tin), constitution of (Heycock and Neville), 320; of iron, electrical

resistivity of (Barrett), 480.

Ammoccote, pair of ciliated grooves iu brain of (Demlv), 485. Amphioxus, excretory organs of (Goodrich), 350. Andrews (T.) Micro-crystalline Structure of Platinum, 433. Anniversary Meeting, 267. Anopheles, new species of (Theobald), 307. Areal induction (Burch), 125.

Arterial and venous walls, properties of (Mac William), 1!0. Atmospheric temperature, seasonal variation of (Shaw and Cohen), 61. Auditors, election of, 149.

Bakerian Lecture (Lord Rayleigh), 495.

Barnes (E. W.) A Memoir on Integral Functions, 121.

Barrett (W. F.) On the Increase of Electrical Resistivity caused by Alloying Iron with Various Elements, and the Specific Heat of those Elements, 480.

Bateson (W.) Heredity, Differentiation, and other Conceptions of Biology : u Consideration of Professor Karl Pearson's Paper " On the Principle of Homotyposis," 193.

Bayliss (W. M.) and Starling (E. H.) On the Causation of the so-called "Peri- pheral Reflex Secretion " of the Pancreas, 352.

Beryllium, quantitative spectra of (Hartley), 283.

Blood, new biological test for, in relation to classification (N'uttall), 150.

Brain-cavities, function of (Dencly), 48o.

Bromus, pure cultures of Uredine on (Ward), 451.

Bruce (David) Note on the Discovery of a New Trypanosoma, 40fi.

Burch (G. J.) On Areal Induction, 125.

Chlorophyll, chemical changes in intestines of animals (Schunck), 307.

Classification, zoological, relation to blood anti-sera (Nuttall), 150.

Clay (R. S.) On the Application of Maxwell's Curves to Three-colour Work,

with especial Reference to the Nature of the Inks to be employed, and to the

Determination of the Suitable Light-filters, 26. Cohen (R. Waley) See Shaw and Cohen. Copper-tin alloys, constitution of (Heycock and Neville), 320. Cortex cerebri in higher apes, physiology of (Grunbaum and Sherrington), 206. Council nominated for election, 189. Crookes (Sir W.) The Stratifications of Hydrogen, 399; Radio-activity and the

Electron Theory, 413.

Crystals, intimate structure of (Sollas), 294. Culicido? of India (Theobald), 367.