Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/520

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the Head, 333 ; Note on Mr. Bateson's Paper, " Heredity, Differentiation,

and other Conceptions of Biology," &c., 450. Pelvic plexus in AcantMas vulgaris (Punnett), 2. Penrose (P. 0.) See Lockyer and Penrose. Phagocytes, action in turning hair grey (MetchnikofF), 156. Phylloglossum, prothallium of (Thomas), 285. Platinum, micro-crystalline structure of (Andrews), 433. Poincare (H.) Sur la StabiliteVde I'l3quilibre des Figures Pyriformes affectges par

une Masse Fluide en Eotation, 148. Prince of Wales admitted, 398. Prothallium of Phylloglossum (Thomas), 285. Protoplasmic streaming in plants (Ewart), 466. Pteridophyta, development of stem in (Jeffrey), 119. Puctinia dispersa, pure cultures of (Ward), 451. Punnett (E. C.) On the Composition and Variations of the Pelvic Plexus in

Acanthias vulgaris, 2.

Badio-activity and electron theory (Crookes), 413.

Eayleigh (Lord) On the Law of the Pressure of Gases between 75 and 150

Millimetres of Mercury, 495.

Eesistivity, electrical, of alloys of iron (Barrett), 480. Eetina, structure of (Burch), 125. Eeynolds (Osborne) On the Sub-mechanics of the Universe, 425.

Scatocyanin in faeces of herbivora (Schunck), 307.

Schunck (Edward) Contributions to the Chemistry of Chlorophyll. No. VIII. Changes undergone by Chlorophyll in passing through the Bodies of Animals, 307.

Seasonal variation of temperature in British Isles (Shaw and Cohen), 61.

Shaw (W. N.) and Cohen (B. W.) On the Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Temperature in the British Isles 'and 'its relation to Wind-direction, with a Note on the Effect of Sea Temperature on the Seasonal Variation of Air Tem- perature, 61.

Sherrington (C. S.) See Griinbaum and Sherrington.

Skin currents (electric) in cats (Waller), 171.

Sodium vapour, anomalous dispersion, absorption, and fluorescence of (Wood), 157; (Julius), 479.

Sollas (W. J.) On the Intimate Structure of Crystals. Part V. Cubic Crystals with Octahedral Cleavage, 294.

Solubilities, method of calculating (Findlay), 471.

Sphenophyllales, affinities of (Thomas), 343.

Starling (E. H.) See Bayliss and Starling.

Stonehenge, orientation and date of construction of (Lockyer and Penrose), 137.

Sun, effective temperature of (Wilson), 312.

Theobald (F. V.) A Short Description of the Culicidse of India, with Descriptions

of New Species of Anopheles, 367. Thomas (A. P. W.) Preliminary Account of the Prothallium of Phylloglossum

285 ; The Affinity of Tmesipteris with the Sphenophyllales, 343. Three-colour work, application of Maxwell's curves to (Clay), 26. Tmesipteris, affinity with Sphenophyllales (Thomas), 343. Trypanosoma, new species of (Bruce), 496.

Universe, sub-mechanics of (Eeynolds), 425.