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Ord. No. 32 of 2008

(a) that retailer ceases to carry on a retail business in that outlet;
(b) that outlet is no longer a qualified retail outlet;
(c) that retailer ceases to provide plastic shopping bags from that outlet; or
(d) that retailer is no longer a prescribed retailer.

(6) The Director may approve or reject an application under subsection (2) or (5) in accordance with the regulation.

(7) If an appeal is made under Division 5 of Part 2 against a decision of the Director under this section, the appeal does not affect the operation of the decision pending the determination of the appeal unless the Director decides otherwise.

20. Director to maintain register

(1) The Director must maintain a register, in such form as he may determine, containing—

(a) the name and address of each registered retailer; and
(b) the name (if different) and address of each registered retail outlet of that retailer.

(2) The Director must make the register available for inspection by the public, free of charge, during office hours at the office of the Director.

21. Secretary may amend Schedules

(1) The Secretary may, after consultation with the Advisory Council on the Environment, by order published in the Gazette, amend Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4.

(2) An order made under this section to amend Schedule 1, 2 or 4 is subject to the approval of the Legislative Council.

Division 3—Obligations of registered retailers

22. Display of certificate of registration

(1) The Director shall issue a certificate of registration to a registered retailer in respect of each registered retail outlet of that retailer.

(2) A registered retailer shall ensure that a certificate of registration is displayed in a prominent position of the registered retail outlet to which the certificate relates.

(3) A registered retailer who, without reasonable excuse, contravenes subsection (2) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 2.

(4) A person shall not—