Page:Professional Papers on Indian Engineering Volume 2 (1865).pdf/159

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The foundations of the tower are unavoidably heavy, as the ground is artificial and unsound for a depth of 12 feet, this circumstance also adds considerable to the extra cost of the building .

It is proposed to construct the building of the finest description of brick -work, with dressings and ornamentation in red sand-stone, this being the only practicable way of producing a work worthy of the site, and in harmony with the surrounding objects.

The stone work will be themost costly item in the estimate;* but I feel confident that the result will give satisfaction, as the stone-cutters are very skilful workmen.

The plan of site shows the proposed terrace wall, with flights of steps 32 feet wide, leading to the terrace and tank.

It is considered that this will produce a very improved effect, and give a finish to the entire place, as a frame to a picture.

An arched verandah,† for visitors and spectators on occasions of illuminations, has also been introduced, which will command a good view of the temple and towers. On the opposite side of the terrace, a house in the same style is being built from the plans prepared recently.

The steel bell and new dials have been shipped from England; the bell being 3 feet diameter, will be heard at a distance of four miles. The dials are of the most improved plan , having the figures and hands enclosed between two plates of glass (one semi-transparent) by an iron ring, which arrangement completely prevents injury from dust or rain.

The motto selected for the clock is " pereunt et imputantur," taken from Exeter Cathedral, and suggested by Mr. L . Griffin . White marble tablets will be inserted in pannels in the doorways for any names, records, & c., which may be considered necessary.

As a finish to the design, I hope to be able to get sanction for four figures for the niches round the faces of the clock, which can be done after completion of the building. The Lahore Exhibition may produce some work of art which will perhaps assist in carrying out this idea.

A great difficulty having been experienced in procuring first class bricks, necessary for the face work of the tower, the working establishment has been for some time engaged in the preparation of cut stone dressings and pillars for the lower section of the building, which is in a very advanced state .

• The cost of undressed stone at Umritsur is from Rs. 3 to 3-8 per cubic foot. + This verandah will conceal an unsightly blank wall.