Page:Professional papers on Indian Engineering (second series).djvu/253

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[Vide Plate).

By E. W. STONEY, Esq., B.C.E., M. Inst. C.E.

The experiments about to be described were made by the Author, to show the influence of cross wall bond on the strength of masonry tanks; and it is hoped that they may interest readers of the Professional Papers, and induce others to make further experiments on the same subject.

Two tanks of the form and dimensions shown in Figs. 1 to 7, were built with walls 41 inches thick, with stock bricks of good quality, laid in mortar composed of equal volumes of lime, sand, and surkhi, when finished they were plastered inside, half an inch thick, with mortar of similar composition; this plaster is represented in the plans and sections by black lines.

The front wall GH of tank No. 1, Figs. 6 and 7, was built flat against the cross walls EK, FL, without being bonded into them, but had mor- tar put in the joints K and L throughout. For convenience and economy the side of an existing building was used as the back wall, into which the cross walls were bonded.

Tank No. 2, Figs. 1 to 5, was well bonded throughout, care being taken to join the cross walls AC, BD, as strongly as possible to the side walls AB, CD; which were made long, in order to induce failure by rupture about their centres.

Experiment No. 1.

Tank No. 1 was built on the 8th of July 1878, and tested on the 23rd 165 Z